Fortunately there is good news! It is now possible to garden in even the tightest of spaces by pursuing container gardening. Container gardening is the newest innovation of gardening. You can now plant your garden in even the smallest of spaces and thus, continue the hobby you have always loved.
Container gardening can be done in apartment buildings and other places where a back yard is not available. By using containers, you can choose any size and put them in either a window or on a balcony or porch. It is possible to grow flowers or vegetable with container gardening.
You will find that there are many different containers that can be used for container gardening, such as baskets, pots, cans and milk cartons. Virtually anything that can hold tangible items can be used for container gardening. There are containers that can be hung from porch railings and some that be used as window boxes. You are limited only by your imagination and artistic abilities.
When you first embark on container gardening, there are a few important points that you need to know. You can begin by using any kind of rust resistant container. It is what you put in it that counts. Lawn and garden stores recognize the requirements needed for this type of gardening and therefore, carry the supplies that you need. Ordinary soil is not recommended for container gardening, as it does not drain well.
Proper drainage is critical to every plant and container gardening is no exception. The containers should have holes in the bottom to allow for excess water to drain. Lightweight soil should be used and small pebbles should be placed on the bottom of the container. You can also use broken pieces of clay or plastic pots to allow for proper drainage.
Lightweight soil can be found at any garden supply store and if not, it is very easy to make your own. By using even amounts of peat moss, vermiculite and triple mix, you will have perfectly balanced soil. Because the soil is so light, it is necessary to water it more often than in a conventional garden. It dries out twice as fast as ordinary soil, making its care much more time consuming.
If you live in an area of the country where the temperatures drop below zero, it is necessary for you to take special precautions to preserve your garden. Move everything indoors and onto windowsills and in front of glass doors for the sunlight.
It is possible for those who have a passion for gardening to create beautiful, long lasting gardens even if they do not have the space to grow them. Pursuing this novel type of gardening has become the new and innovational way for people to continue being able to create their designs.
There are billions of people worldwide who love to garden. The joy and satisfaction of a beautiful garden is second to none. Unfortunately, due to various reasons and primarily due to space constraints, they are not able to do pursue their favorite hobby. This is where container gardening plays a big role.
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