Do you really want to control high blood pressure naturally but fear you will lose the battle? Then the first point you need to understand is that it all starts in the deep recesses of the mind. Your thinking patterns! You`ve heard of the saying "You are what you eat", well the same rings true with " You are what you think!" because thoughts transfer into actions.
As an exercise: I want you to think which of the following personalities best fits you, and then see how you can start to implement those thoughts into actions.
Are you a person who likes a challenge? What is it about a challenge that attracts you? Is it not the sense of triumph you get when you clear the hurdles? Breaking down barriers is a very powerful driving force that spurns people forward to reach their goals. Can you see yourself applying a challenging attitude towards the control of your blood pressure? Sometimes it can seem like there are too many hurdles to clear, such as a change in lifestyle and diet or finding the best supplements and herbs. But if you see it as just another challenge in your life, then the thought processes will begin to transfer into positive action.
The next step for the challenging mind is to read up on as many books as you can on how to control high blood pressure naturally; determine what could be the contributing factors in your lifestyle causing the malady, and then it`s time for the action. Use ways that promote enough physical action like exercise, social activities, and even going out of your way to get the needed materials like specific types of food to start new eating habits. It all takes careful planning, contributing to the challenge, and it helps to relieve stress into the bargain. But don`t run out of steam. Keep focused on the next hurdle, and the next, and the next. Remember this is the driving force, or the fuel that will keep you running until you reach your goal.
O.K. Maybe you`re not so challenging! You might like to do things the easy way. Well then, that`s the best way to go. You are not going to succeed if you try to change your personality. A pussy cat turning into a whippet? In your dreams! No! Your success lies in finding easier yet effective ways, like exercise that doesn`t feel like exercise. What do you mean you can`t think of anything? Do you like dancing? Or gardening? I am sure you can think of other ways too, where you are having fun, yet exerting yourself without realizing it. You will be surprised how much calories you will burn, and how much nitric acid (a substance that dilates blood vessels) your body will be releasing by doing these two activities alone!
Your diet too can be formed around ways that won`t cause too much hardship. You don`t have to cut out all the goodies that you eat. Just cut down on them and add more of the healthier foods one at a time. There are plenty of books on diets suitable for high blood pressure that list a variety of foods to choose your favourites from. Life couldn`t be easier.
Even if you have a smoking problem, one of the main contributors to high blood pressure, using nicotine patches is an easier way that will wean you off the drug without the cold turkey effect.
Talking about cold turkey; if a drinking habit is the cause of your elevated blood pressure, you will have a challenge! But all is not lost. Learning to think positive can move you forward even when you don`t have the challenging spirit. No pun intended! Be with friends and family who will keep you thinking the right way and stay away from bad influences. Doesn`t the Bible say bad association spoils useful habits? 1 Corinthians 15:33. Don`t underestimate this great book! It`s a powerhouse for training minds to be positive.
Another personality that might fit your bill is the logically minded person. If that`s you, start searching the research and dig up some solid proof of what works and what doesn`t. Are you thinking of using supplements? Find out if, how and why they work. How are they processed? What`s their track record? If you don`t, you won`t budge, because although you don`t live on pure logic alone, you still depend on a good measure of it to convince you to take the needed action. When you have gathered enough evidence you can start to incorporate the methods into your lifestyle and diet, all the time reasoning to yourself why they will work.
So, whether you have a challenging, laid back, or logically minded personality, always remember success or failure starts in the mind. If you have a mind set on success you can turn it into positive action and learn how to control high blood pressure naturally.
Control High Blood Pressure Naturally
What are nitrates? Nitrate is a salt of nitric acid, and is an essential plant nutrient found in soil that is taken in by plants and used as their primary nitrogen source. Thus, nitrate is a natural part of all vegetables, fruits and cereals. Nitrate should not be confused with nitrite - a chemical substance within the body created by the digestion of foods containing nitrite (fish, mean and poultry preservatives) or nitrate.
How can nitrates help with hypertension? New studies have found that nitrates, nutrients found in leafy green vegetables such as lettuce and spinach, may actually help control blood pressure by maintaining the health of blood vessels. This may not come as a surprise to some people, especially considering the fact that past studies have discovered that the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, can lower blood pressure.
However, although the DASH diet has had a positive effect on those with hypertension, researchers are not sure what exact nutrients within vegetables and fruits are responsible for lowering blood pressure. For this reason, new studies that focus on nitrate have been conducted to determine if nitrate is one of the main reasons for the drop in hypertension.
One short-term study involving 17, non-smoking and healthy young adults, observed the effects a nitrate supplement had on the participants. Each person was given a daily dose of nitrate supplement that equalled the amount found in 150-250 grams of vegetables rich in nitrate (IE. lettuce, spinach, beetroot, etc.). They were to take the supplement for three days, and then take a daily placebo during three different days.
The results of the study concluded that although the nitrate supplement did not reduce systolic blood pressure (the higher number of a blood pressure reading), it lowered diastolic blood pressure by an average reduction of 3.7 mm Hg. The researchers that conducted the study found that the benefits of the nitrate supplement were similar to those found in the DASH studies that were also tested on healthy individuals.
Nevertheless, despite the findings, it is clear that more research needs to be done in order to find out just how effective nitrate supplements are in lowering blood pressure.
That being said, you don't need to wait for research to prove the affects nitrate has on lowering blood pressure, when it is common knowledge that fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet and are required to maintain a strong and healthy immune system. Therefore, there is no harm in adding more nitrate-rich foods to your diet and cutting back on fatty fried foods.
The following is a list of foods high in nitrates. You may find that you've already made many of these foods an active part of your lifestyle:
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Cabbage
- Beets
- Radishes
- Carrots
Nitrate can also be found in the air, water and is also a preservative found in foods including cheese, processed meats, and fish, as well as in spirits and liqueurs.
Both Jamesina Goulbourne & Paul J Johnson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Paul J Johnson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Blood Pressure, Anger Control and Blood Pressure. By P.Johnson. Sign up for a free newsletter & discover proven methods to help you lower blood pressure naturally.. Paul J Johnson's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Paul J Johnson to your Favourites.
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