Many small businesses today have an idea and start a business with high hopes and a dream. Once they have started their business they take advice of friends and business acquaintances and start the conventional marketing process that was suggested. They join the Chamber of Commerce, a BNI group, search out other networking groups, find venues with the ability to meet others; these are common suggestions.
Many do not consider the internet options available to promote their business. The internet has added a whole new arena of promotional activities available to business. Here is a list of venues to promote your business online:
1.Start a Blog?Assuming you have a website, a blog helps to draw traffic and also gives you a venue to add credibility to yourself if you are offering content about topics that you business serves.
2.Search the internet for local websites to add your business listing?There are a variety of options available locally, and the majority free, that helps to bring traffic to your website. Search for your local city websites to view what is offered. The latest I have come across is Merchant Circle. This website allows free listings and is updated frequently to add benefits for their listers.
3.Network online, as well as, offline?Become familiar with the Web 2.0 world and join social networking groups online. There is LinkedIn, Ecademy, Xing, and others. No matter what type of network you join, online or offline, become active. Activity online is in the form of answering or asking questions in forums. Activity helps you to build recognition and credibility.
4.Write articles and submit to online resources?Write articles of quality and benefit to your customers. It easily helps you to become an authority in your business and draws traffic to your website. A good resource for submitting articles is
5.Press Release to promote your business?Hire someone to write a press release about your business. Submit and share updated information about your business to the local newspapers. You can submit this online and offline to various media outlets in your area.
Opportunities exist abundantly for businesses today to market their products and services. Thinking outside of the box to come up with creative ways to market your business and build recognition is a long term, never-ending project. When success is met with one idea, it is on to the next. Be creative, write effectively, and speak energetically about your business. Success is around the corner if you consistently share your message online and offline.
Cost Management Strategies For Business
When it comes to a business you must never rest on your laurels but must be use your creative side to come up with expansion strategies. Some examples of ways to do this include introducing a new product, market development, product licensing, to begin a chain and to consider a merger or acquisition. Growth is important but make sure you don't become too enthusiastic and overdo a good thing. Overdoing can be just as detrimental as under doing.
How Do You Grow Your Business?
New Product
Use your creative side to come up with a new product that is in line with what you are already selling. You do not want to introduce something old or outdated but you never know when you might hit upon an excellent idea.
Extending the product line you already have is a good idea but introduce new products slowly. You do not want to overwhelm your customers. Do not create a whole new product that is unrelated to what you currently sell. You will more than likely money from your existing customers than you will from the new customers you acquire due to your new product. It is the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule (sometimes written 80:20) at work.
The 80/20 Rule states that 80% of your regular business will come by way of 20% of your long term loyal customers. It is always good to look for ways to get new customers as all loyal customers were once new customers but it costs five times more to get a new customer than to hold onto one that you already have.
Market Development
Developing your market using innovative new designs or concepts is a smart idea but do not exceed beyond your reach. This can overstress yourself, your employees and can overload the system. Worst of all if you overspend on your budget your company
Product Licensing
Licensing your product carries some risks in a financial sense because the onus of responsibility for the success of the product shifts from the creator to the company that is going to market, advertise, produce and distribute it. While you may lose out on profits in the short term, if the product becomes a bestseller and garnishes a national reputation for quality, you will reap the rewards in the end.
Begin a Chain
Certain businesses are easy to replicate in other locations and turn into a chain. Examples of these include restaurants, bars, retail stores and a variety of service businesses. It is essential to figure out why your original store worked in the first place and what traits can easily transfer to a new store and which cannot. You have to pinpoint if your initial success has to do with your products or services, your location, yourself, your staff or your marketing campaign. You start a new marketing campaign every time you open at a new location to drum up new business.
Merger or Acquisition
Joining forces with another company can make both of your companies bigger and better and can make you shine twice as bright! By doing this you expand your quantity of customers, you will operation more efficiently because you have more people to do the work, and you will increase your capital. It is vital that you find a partner who wants the same things as you do from his or her business however. Vision is extremely important or you could end up with conflicts and rising tension that threatens to destroy the good work you have both done.
Both Carole Dejarnatt & Satya Iluri are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Carole Dejarnatt has sinced written about articles on various topics from Business Plan, Pets and Marketing Strategies. Carole DeJarnatt is the President of Alliance Advisors, Inc., a business advisory and coaching service for development and implementation of strategies for greater success in business. Visit the company website at. Carole Dejarnatt's top article generates over 8100 views. Bookmark Carole Dejarnatt to your Favourites.
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