Baby book scrapbooking is not only fun, but can be extremely easy. It is also a great way to contain memories of your baby in a safe and organized manner. With some simple creativity, you can have a book that will last a lifetime and can be enjoyed by everyone. There are a few basic steps in creating the ideal baby scrapbook
1. You will want to begin with a good assortment of photos. Keep in mind that you will want to use the cutest pictures possible for your photo album. One approach you may want to consider is doing the book chronologically. Begin with pictures of you throughout your entire pregnancy, followed by pictures of the baby's different stages in life.
2. One of your first pages you may choose to do is an introductory page. On the introductory page you may wish to include the baby's birth information (his name, date and place of birth).
3.Try to capture all of your thought s and feelings of your pregnancy. Include things like how you felt waiting on the arrival of your newborn. Journaling is an important aspect of any scrapbook. Therefore, be sure to include your excitement, any concerns you may have experienced and anything else you may feel is important. This is also a great place to put the baby's first ultrasound pictures. You can also include things like cravings you had, morning sickness and any anecdotes you had. Progression pictures of your growing belly would also make a great addition to the book.
4.Next, you will want to set aside several pages for baby shower pictures. If you had a couple of different pictures, then you will want to dedicate several pages to this section. Include in your scrapbook a list of any gifts you received. A pocket makes a great place to stash all of the beautiful cards you have received.
5.Next, you will want to design a page about your first day home with the baby. Be sure to include any hospital photos you may have, as well as photos of you and the baby arriving home. It is a good idea to journal the baby's length, weight and time of birth. When your child is older, he will love looking back on this information. Also, you will want to keep all of the hospital bracelets as keepsake items.
6.Set aside a few pages just for journaling - on these pages you can record your thoughts and emotions regarding the whole experience. Writing down your feelings will help you remember everything more clearly as the years pass, so you can cherish the simple moments that made the entire experience so exciting and rewarding.
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