Hair loss is a sign you are lacking vitamins in your diet, but has nothing to do with meal schedules. It's a 100 strands per day and wearing your hair really tight pulls on the hair and it breaks off and ends on the floor. Each individual hair survives for an average of 4-1/2 years, during which time it grows about half an inch a month. Usually in its 5th year, the hair falls out and is replaced within 6 months by a new one. Genetic baldness is caused by the body's failure to produce new hairs and not by excessive hair loss.
Poor diet will affect your hair as well as stress such as tight pony tails and braids. Well weight loss and anxiety can cause hair loss, but a few strands isn't really much to worry about. If you are concerned, though, you can part your hair and see if the gap is wider than is used to be. When you get into your 20's you will have some hormonal changes too... so that could cuase some hair loss. If you are really anxious about this, go to your doctor to discuss this issue.
Early hair loss is a sign of poor nutrition. As hair is comprised largely of keratin protein, then ample protein levels must be guaranteed. This can be obtained by eating beans, seeds, grains, tofu, sprouts, and fish. Minerals are also required for hair maintenance. The most abundant sources of minerals int he plant kingdom are found in sea vegtables: for example nori, hijiki, arame and wakem for their calcium, and dulse for its iron content. Add themin small amounts (1/4-1/2 oz dry weight) to soups, salads and casseroles 3-4x a wk. Silica, shich forms part of the starches that make up hair, is found in common vegetables such as onions, garlic, green leafy vegetables, carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers and most sprouted seeds.
Hair falls due to genetic reasons, stress, pollution, thyroid imbalance, chemicals in hair styling products and lack of proper nutrition. Home remedies are cheap , natural and without any side effects. Some of the home remedies for treating hair fall are:
1.Apply the white of a raw egg on the hair for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with a shampoo. A mixture of lemon juice and egg white could also be used to strengthen the roots of hair.
2. Massage the head with oil for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with a shampoo. A hot oil massage with olive oil will also help.
3.Apply a mixture of lemon juice and juice of amla to the scalp. This also helps control dandruff in the hair
4. Boil neem leaves in water for an hour and let it cool. Wash the hair with this water. Alternately neem oil can be mixed with coconut oil and massaged where there is hair fall
5. The juice of fresh coriander can be massaged onto the scalp will reduce hair loss.
6. Ensure that you eat nutritious food, with plenty of leafy vegetables. Have a soya milk drink and multivitamin tablets if you do not have time to have a healthy breakfast.
Cures For Hair Loss
A lot of men and women are looking for help to treat hair loss. It is a problem affecting one's social life. Nearly 90% of the human population care a lot about their look. And in our society people without hair are very often considered not as beautiful or healthy as people with full, healthy looking hair.
Lotions, medicines, and shampoos are available to stop or prevent hair loss. Hair loss products can be purchased at drugstores or pharmacies. Some are only available by prescription. Which hair loss treatment to choose depends on what is causing the hair loss.
Hair loss is cured by medicating individuals that suffer from hair loss caused by aging, heredity and hormonal imbalance. Dihydro testosterone otherwise called as DHT is found to be the main cause of hair loss. Excessive levels of DHT block the hair follicle and thereby provoking hair fall. This effect can be nullified by using DHT inhibitors such as 5-alpha reductase.
The common hair loss cure products available on the market are NuGen Hp, Revivogen, and Hair Genesis. All these drugs help a lot in blocking the DHT in the scalp and help preventing hair loss. Revivogen reduces DHT level in the scalp thereby reduces hair loss and promotes healthy re-growth of hairs.
NuGen Hp is a natural treatment available for hair loss. This product also helps a lot to block DHT in the scalp. By eating protein rich food and protein supplements, hair loss can be stopped or cured. During any remedial measure, it is always recommended to put a person on proper nutrition by ending abnormal eating habits.
Saw palmetto is an active ingredient of Hair Genesis which is very effective in preventing hair loss. Hence it is a natural DHT blocker and helps preventing male hair loss. Saw palmetto is a natural medication available for blocking DHT. There are lots of medications available on the market for preventing hair loss.
Hair loss cure is achieved by using conditioners, shampoo and scalp lotions. The common products that help are Revivogen, Viviscal, Folligen, Tricomin and Nisim.
It is known fact that medicationa like Folligen directly supplies the nutrient copper.. Tricomin also contains nutrient copper. This product is available in Tricomin revitalizing shampoo, tricomin Restructuring conditioner, and Tricomin shampoo. It is a known fact that nutrient copper helps healthy growth of hair and prevents hair loss.
Minoxdil hair loss cure is also used to preventing hair loss. This drug is more useful among youngsters. Hair Renew is a product used for hair loss cure. The mode of action for this product is nourishing the hair follicles, cleansing the scalp, and neutralizing the DHT.
Both Rachel Broune & are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.