Each human (and animal) heart is a pump. It causes blood to be forced throughout the body, carrying life giving oxygen and disease fighting mechanisms to the the furthest reaches of the human frame. The heart is a muscle, and like all muscles it needs to be exercised to be at its fittest and most efficient.
The human heart, the most fundamental of organs in the human anatomy, is located in the middle of the torso. Its apex is slightly towards the left and that is why it is often said that human heart is situated on the left side. The left side of the heart is a stronger pump, in that it has a more readily felt pulse, and this is another reason why many think the heart is on the left of the body.
The heart undertakes a number of very important roles. Blood that has released its oxygen into the body is returned to the heart where it is recharged (as a result of breathing) and sent out again on its journey around the body. Unfortunately our hearts may develop problems and diseases as we get older. Diabetes and blood pressure cases are increasing day by day due caused as much by depressing and stressful lives as by a clinical condition, and these are directly affecting the working of the human heart. Many heart ailments are controlled by drugs. It is much better to avoid this necessity by better management through a well structured life style.
Resulting from hypertension, nervousness and stress, many people suffer from cardiac arrest problems when the heart stops beating. Unfortunately this can result in the person dying. To restart the heart mechanically a machine known as automated external defibrillator, readily available in most hospitals and within ambulances, should be introduced immediately.
High levels of cholesterol can cause dangerous cardiovascular disease. More and more people are becoming victims of high cholesterol levels. The over eating of food which is full of unhealthy fats (not all fats are unhealthy) and to low in fiber content, not to mention other important nutritional content, can be a major factor in the forming or arterial disease. Cholesterol is stored in blood fats known as triglycerides. Not all cholesterol is bad and cholesterol levels need to be properly interpreted to draw the right conclusions about risk. The excess intake of wrong foods resulting in high cholesterol levels causes atherosclerosis and leads to poor functioning of arteries and further risk of heart attack.
It is distressing to recognize that cardiac malfunctions are growing in their manifestation throughout the world, and particularly in the western world. The likelihood of suffering from a stroke is considerably increased by a poor and unbalanced diet, a sedentary life style and increasing age. Older women are more likely to suffer from heart attack and stroke than are men. Racial factors also play an important role in the susceptibility to strokes as Negro women are more prone to heart attacks and strokes than Caucasian women. If there is family history of heart attacks, the chances to other members of the family suffering too, especially offspring and siblings, increase by 20-30 percent.
Typical symptoms of all heart diseases are high or low blood pressure, poor resistance of the body to infection and disease, skin problems, loss of appetite, emotional swings and so on. Raw food is wonderful for ensuring the body has all it needs to regenerate itself, and the heart as much as any organ will benefit from a regular intake of raw fruit and vegetables. By its very nature, this diet is low in fat. A well balanced diet and regular exercise leading to sweating is a regime most should aspire to.
Deaths From Heart Disease
Eat more fish to help prevent heart disease. This is the advice we usually get from doctors or scientists because omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, benefit the heart of healthy people, and those at high risk of or who have cardiovascular disease. It seems that fish oil for health is a non-controversial issue among all health experts, from traditional to alternative.
A very early study on fish oil conducted in 1989 on 2,033 men with heart disease were divided into 3 groups each of these group had been told to eat extra fat, fiber, fish respectively. Two years later, researchers found that men who had eaten fish at least twice a week had a 29 percent lower death rate than the other men. This finding suggested that the fish oils helped to prevent irregular heartbeats and hence heart attacks. No benefit was found among the people in the fiber or fat groups. According to physicians, at least half of all heart attacks are caused by irregular heartbeats.
Another research paper presented at the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids congress held in Brighton in 2004 by Harvard University reported that doctors can predict patients who are likely to have a heart attack by testing their blood for fish fats. People at the highest risk have low levels of omega-3 fats found in fish oil. If blood levels of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids form less than 4 percent of the fatty acids in red blood cells, risk of death from a heart attack is at its greatest compared with a level of 8 percent when risk is at its least.
A simple blood test like this can in fact identify those people who are at the high risk of death from heart attack and sudden cardiac death. A relatively simple preventative solution of increasing omega-3 intake can then be employed to prevent an attack. But this will be helpful only if patients are prepared to discuss about diet with their doctors.
No doubt the research supported that eating oily fish such as salmon and tuna, rich in omega-3 fats, can provide protection against cardiovascular disease. It is still important for us to have a balanced diet containing fish, vegetables and fruits, low in salt and saturated and trans fats that will significantly reduce the chances of developing coronary heart disease.
Nevertheless, some experts do express their concerns on the possibility of contamination of mercury or other toxins found in most fish due to environmental pollution. Mercury and other toxic materials are unethically released into the environment from power plants, factories using chlorine and mining. These toxins end up in the oceans and lakes, where fish consume them. Eating fish high in mercury puts middle-aged men at a greater risk for coronary heart disease and may offset the protective effects of omega-3 fatty acids in some seafood, according to a Finnish study. As such, some doctors or experts rather recommend taking high-quality fish oil supplement that is free from mercury or other toxins instead of consuming fresh fish.
Former Heart Surgeon Reveals ... How to prevent and even reverse heart disease - without drugs or surgery. Read more about Dr Robert's confession at: http://www.howtopreventheartdisease.com/dr-robert.html
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