High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it usually has no signs. High blood pressure is a problem that won't go away without help and changes to your diet and lifestyle. High blood pressure is dangerous because it makesthe heart work too hard and contributes to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
It raises the risk of stroke and heart disease, which are the first- and third-leading causes of death among Americans. An elevation of the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart (cardiac) disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke (brain damage). The higher the diastolic blood pressure the greater the risk for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.
Regular exercise can help prevent high blood pressure, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. To reduce the risk of injury while exercising, start slowly.The risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) increases with age.
People who drink a lot of alcoholor take illegal drugs like amphetamines and cocaine are also at risk of developing the condition. Smoking and high blood pressure are major risk factors for having a heart attack or stroke later in life. People who manage their high blood pressure with a treatment program lower their risk of having serious complications as they get older.
Elevated blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, the main cause of death in the United States. According to research studies, the risk of dying of a heart attack is directly tied to blood pressure,primarily systolic hypertension. The higher your blood pressure, the higher your risk, even with blood pressure in the normal range.
Have your blood pressure checked at each regular health care visit, or at least once every 2 years (people without diabetes or other risk factors for heart disease). High blood pressure also increases the risk of "embolism:" the production of tiny blood clots that form when blood flow is abnormal and can get stuck in an assortment of inopportune locations including the brain. If your blood pressure is higher than 120/80, and you have other risk factors, like diabetes, you may need treatment.
Treatment starts with changes you can make to your lifestyle to help reduce your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease . The key for any highblood pressure treatment is to bring the condition under proper control. If your blood pressure is often greater than 140/90, you may need medical treatment. Blood Pressure Treatment Usually Fails: More than 43 million Americans have high blood pressure (hypertension), but less than one-third of them have achieved targeted levels of blood pressure
CONSIDER THESE KEY POINTS The biggest problem with treatment of high blood pressure is not a lack of knowledge about it, but a lack of the application of our current knowledge. However, high blood pressure is easily detected and usually can be controlled. Unmanaged high blood pressure is indirectly responsible for many deaths and disability resulting from stroke, kidney failure and heart attack .
Definition Of High Blood Pressure
Because of the silent and insidious way it works in the background i.e. no symptoms it is referred to as the Silent Killer. High blood pressure if left untreated and ignored can lead to lethal complications in a wide variety of illnesses. In the United States of America alone their estimate to be 50 million sufferers of High Blood Pressure.
It would appear in certain cases but there are greater percentage of sufferers of high blood pressure amongst the black community as opposed to those in the white or Hispanic community in the USA. For blacks it would also appear the adverse consequences of high blood pressure were worse.
High blood pressure occurs more often in older people-in about three fourths of women and almost two thirds of men aged 75 or older, compared with only about one fourth of people aged 20 to 74. If you are overweight then your chances of suffering from high blood pressure also increase.
In the United States, only an estimated two of three people with high blood pressure have been diagnosed. The treatment figures for high blood pressure and associated conditions are even lower with only 75% of the diagnosed sufferers actually receiving medical treatment.
When blood pressure is checked, two values are recorded. The higher value reflects the highest pressure in the arteries, which is reached when the heart contracts (during systole).The lower value reflects the lowest pressure in the arteries, which is reached just before the heart begins to contract again (during diastole).
Blood pressure figures are written as two numbers, the first over the second (120 over 80) and is calculated in millimetres of mercury which is the traditional form of measurement. In the early days it was felt that high blood pressure started when the diastolic pressure walls at a minimum average over 140 mm Hg all the diastolic figure was greater than 90 mm Hg.
However it has now been recognized that even these figures may be arbitrary as even the smallest increase in blood pressure is a risk. The change in the approach to these limits has occurred through increased research into hypertension highlighting additional unforeseen complications.
Research has shown that it is not unusual for raised figures in both systolic and diastolic pressures for sufferers of high blood pressure.The exception is older people who commonly have high systolic pressure (140 mm Hg or more) with normal or low diastolic pressure (less than 90 mm Hg).
The term for this condition is "isolated systolic hypertension". At the upper end of the spectrum where the blood pressure is over 180/110 and remains so with a lack of associated symptoms then this condition is deemed to be known as "a hypertensive urgency."
Where the blood pressure is particularly severe and in excess of 210/120 mm Hg then the condition is deemed to be known as malignant hypertension. This additional condition has only been known to occur in approximately 1 out of every 200 incidences of high blood pressure.
However, it is several times more common among blacks than among whites, among men than among women, and among people in lower socioeconomic groups than among those in higher socioeconomic groups. Malignant hypertension unlike hypertensive urgency produces a variety of symptoms. Malignant hypertension if left untreated can lead to fatal consequences within six months.
Both Don Ray & Stephen Morgan are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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