One of the joys, as also the highlights of modern times, is the fact that science and technology has made life considerably easy, as also added some spice to it. It has transformed the world into a global village and ensured that the things, to fetch which, one had to visit the country of its origin, can actually be had in one's own backyard. Then, whether they are cloths, food or accessories. Food particularly has undergone huge change with a wide variety now available on a platter. Stuff which one thought never existed can also be relished now and that too sitting at home.
However, there lies the trouble. With a variety of spices, sauces etc. going into the mouth, they really wreck havoc on teeth. No surprises then that the cases of teeth decay are constantly on rise these days. It's true that toothaches don't kill any one but it can cause excruciating pain. Something which can only be understood by people who have the misfortune of suffering from it. It's a menace that needs medical assistance at the earliest. And if one does not have enough money to get oneself treated than the plight of such a person can very well be understood. It is here that dental insurance comes into play and ensures that one is free from the worries of arranging for the finance to get oneself treated, as it is the insurance company that takes care of all the finances with the concerned person not requiring to pay a single penny.
However, one must take care of a few things to gain completely from dental insurance. First of all one must ensure that the policy comes to life as soon as it is signed, one should also find out that whether the insurance company will pay the entire sum required for the treatment or only a part of it. One should also ensure that no wrong information is provided to the insurance company as well as the fact that there is no default on monthly premiums.
If efforts like these are taken then one can be rest assured that dental insurance will go a long way in helping people in such trying circumstances. Not for anything is dental insurance, a branch of sickness insurance, is so popular amongst the masses.
Dental Insurance For Students
Insurance companies continue to earn massive record profits, there's nothing wrong with that it's the free enterprise system at work, but people are being misled and ripped off. All insurance is not bad, in fact you'd be crazy not to have many forms of insurance, but that certainly doesn't apply to dental insurance.
Homeowners insurance is something I'd prefer not to pay for, we've had it for about 20 years and never filed a claim, but what if your house burns to the ground? Let's just say that your house is worth $250,000 and your homeowners insurance is $2,500 a year. If you pay for 20 years and never have a claim you'd be out $50,000 but if your home is destroyed could you afford to rebuild without insurance?
Insurance is for the most part designed to prevent you from suffering a catastrophic loss, and in our example the $50,000 you spent over 20 years looks like a bargain when your insurance company builds your new home for nothing. But not all insurance is created equal!
Dental insurance is a colossal waste of money. If you have dental insurance, you're probably paying from $600 to $1,000 a year depending on a variety of variables, how many people in your family, deduct etc. So let's say that you don't use it for just 3 years. With an annual premium of $800 you would have paid $2,400 during that time and just like homeowners insurance you never filed a claim, but in year 4 you need some major dental work to the tune of $4,000. What happens now?
You probably won't see this on the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams but this my friends is the fleecing of America. Over 4 years you would have paid $3,200 in dental insurance premiums and you may be expecting your insurance company to foot the bill, but you'd be wrong. Most dental insurance sold today has a maximum benefit of $1,000 or $1,500, so guess who's going to have to pay $2,500 to $3,000 out of their own pocket?
That would be you the fleecee, sorry, the person who get's ripped off. Dental insurance has almost no value whatsoever which is why many insurance agents refuse to sell it. Homeowners insurance has value, so does car insurance and if you can still afford so does health insurance. They protect you from a devastating financial loss, but dental insurance doesn't do that at all.
A brief history lesson, and I promise it will be brief. Back in the 60's and 70's when dental insurance became commonplace most plans had a maximum benefit of $1,000 or $1,500 which is the same limit that most dental insurance policies have today. The problem is that the cost when you go to the dentist has almost tripled.
Your insurance company charges you a lot more for less, and they raised your deductible too! So why is it that so many still have dental insurance? That's a good question. Perhaps it's because people know that they need to take care of their teeth but they just don't know what to do. Now that you know that dental insurance is a ripoff, you don't have to be taken advantage of anymore.
Both Darlene Kaitlin & Scott Miller are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Darlene Kaitlin has sinced written about articles on various topics from Finances, Debts Loans and Dental Practice. The author is associated with UK’s leading healthcare and medical insurance broker, Essential Health Ltd. which provides medical benefits, to its clients in UK and around the world, for Cancer, Medical insurance, Critical illness, Travel insurance, Intern. Darlene Kaitlin's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Darlene Kaitlin to your Favourites.
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