When it comes to taking care of your teeth, purchasing the proper dental insurance is essential. Dental insurance really comes in handy for those who cannot deal with the increasing costs of seeing a dentist. The decision to select dental insurance that is right for individuals or families (depending on the situation) becomes an important task to conclude.
Whether you are buying dental insurance through your place of business or looking for independent options, it is vital to analyze a variety of plans to ensure you are getting the best deal. Many different factors listed below may come into play when making a final selection.
When selecting dental insurance, it is important to compare yearly maximum coverage on a regular basis. The amount in benefits that a plan will pay in one full year is one of the most important aspects to choosing the best dental insurance plan. Yearly maximums also renew on an automatic basis every year. It is also important to know that anything not used within a year will not roll over into the next. Many dental insurance companies only allow an average yearly max of $1000.
In the case of independent dental insurance, most plans will only cover your dental services if they are administered from a dentist that is contracted or participating in their network. It is important to find out if you are required to receive your dental work from a participating dentist. Some plans may allow individuals to stay with their current dentists, but checking the policy for these allowances is essential.
Major Coverage
Dental insurance companies separate their dental procedures into three different categories. When comparing plans, you should ask about their policies regarding preventative, major, and restorative work. Varying dental companies will view different dental procedures in many different ways. For example, one dentist may consider root canals and crowns a major procedure while another will not. This is important to know before choosing a dental insurance plan.
Waiting Periods
The length of time that an insurance company will make you wait before you can enjoy coverage is called the waiting period. For example, some plans hold policies that make you wait 12 months or longer before you are covered for a crown.
Cosmetic Dentistry
If you are interested in seeing your dentist for any cosmetic procedures, such as teeth whitening or bleaching, you should know dental insurance companies rarely cover cosmetic dentistry. For the few that do, prepare for high rates.
Dental Insurance Individual Ppo
Dental insurance is a type of insurance in which the beneficiary and the policy provider agree on a plan in which the policy provider pays for the dental services used. This dental service can be from the dentist, dental hygienist or any other person involved in dental health. In exchange for the insurance the beneficiary has to pay the annual premium, co-payment, deductible, etc.
Dental insurance is broadly divided into two types based on the restrictions for the physicians that can be sought, the payment method to the physicians, etc. these two types are: Fee for service plan and the Managed care plan. These types of plans are more or less similar to the general health insurance.
Fee for service plan:
In the fee for service plan the beneficiary is supposed to pay for the services he has taken every time he / she takes those services. The beneficiary can choose any of the doctors or the health care providers by himself and then submit the claim to the insurance company. This is further subdivided into reimbursement plans and the indemnity plans. In the former, you will claim for the bills incurred while having services from the dental health care provider. This claim will be reimbursed irrespective of the type of services sought. In the latter, you will be reimbursed based on the based on the set amount that the insurance company gives for the specific service. In both of the cases it is you who is going to decide who should your doctor be.
Managed care plan:
In this type of plan the insurance company will decide who is going to be your doctor or health care provider. Financial incentives are provided to the beneficiary to get registered in this plan. Financial incentives are provided to the health care professional so that the beneficiary uses these services to the minimum. This is further subdivided into Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and the Capitation Plan. In the former, there are a group of dental health care providers among which you have to choose one to get the services. It is beneficial for the insurance companies because it is quite easy to manage a small no. of professionals. The capitation plan means that a professional is given the responsibility of both the curative and the preventive dental health services of a certain group of potential patients. The less the services utilized, in other words the better the preventive services the better it is for the professional. The patient is charged in both the cases a capital punishment for utilizing the services of a health care provider outside the plan.
Coverage and payment
The claim is given to the insurance company directly by the claimant of or by the health care provider. Some of the claim is given full but for the most of them partly reimbursement is made. Many insurance companies also keep a cap of certain amount above which the beneficiary has to pay by his / her pocket.
From the above discussion it is quite clear why most people prefer the fee for service plan as it gives them freedom to choose the dental health care professionals.
Both Gabriel Adams & Raasha Tandon are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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