If you can take a few minutes of your time, you will learn what may prove to be invaluable career information in regard to California overtime pay in the IT and computer fields that a labor attorney knows, but do you?
California Overtime Laws aims at protecting the civil rights of computer programmers with certain guidelines for overtime pay. There are California Overtime Laws Overtime regulations that come out each year with a new federal overtime pay lawestablished in 2004. Employers often tend to misclassify employees either mistakenly or intentionally to sidestep paying overtime wages.
Mystery 1 Solved: What if I work overtime without reporting it?
Under California Overtime Laws, the Department of Industrial relations states for the employer of California to pay overtime whether it is authorized or unauthorized overtime hours as reinstated by the California employee benefits (governed by California Overtime Laws). Attorneys in California often make winning settlements for overtime pay due to these heavily weighted laws in favor of the employee.
Mystery 2 Solved: I make the equivalent of $30.00 per hour and am told I am salaried exempt. Is it possible I qualify for overtime pay?
Under California Overtime regulations, AB 1093, effective since Jan 1, 2006, amends the Labor code sec 515.5 exemption criteria to either pay the annualized full time salary equivalent or pay equal hourly rate. The hourly rate in 2005 was $45.84 and the hourly rate in 2006 for $47.81 under California Overtime regulations. In regards to overtime, damages for violation of overtime pay include not only the recovery of any wages, but interest and penalties. Attorney’s fees may even be recovered in a private overtime law action to enforce the overtime labor code.
Mystery 3 Solved: Do I work the type of job that my employer is required to pay overtime?
Under the Overtime Law in California, the employee is exempt from the requirement of overtime rate of compensation if they are primarily engaged in more than 50 percent of the actual work. However, an employee exercising discretion and independent judgment is also exempt from the requirement of overtime rate of compensation. An employee engaged in application of systems, analysis techniques and procedures which include of consulting with users or determining hardware, software or system functional application are exempt from overtime pay.
In regards to the Overtime Law in California, employees involved in documentation, testing, modification or creation of computer programs related to the design of hardware or software computer operating systems are also exempt from overtime pay. Lastly, highly proficient and skilled employees in the theoretical and practical application of specialized information to computer systems, as well as programming and software engineering are exempt from overtime pay by the CA Labor code Section 515.5
If you are a California employee and believe you are owed Overtime or your employer has violated your rights, take action now and talk to an Experienced California Labor Attorney.
By: Lars Sheckton
Department Of Labor Attorney
Aggressive employers can be bad apples when it comes to intimidating an employee who is claiming overtime pay. Although direct retaliation like termination is rare, nevertheless this information is valuable to know. So if you can spare 2 minutes to read this article, you can protect yourself against a bulldog employer.
Secret 1: Hire an Experienced California Labor Attorney.
A good attorney is a great weapon against an aggressive employer. He can put your employer on notice of his exposure if he retaliates in any way when you are pursuing your lawful wages.
Secret 2: Take Good Notes
Note the date, time incident and any witnesses of any occurrence when your Employer intimidated or threatened you after your overtime pay claim was brought to his attention.
Secret 3: Start a Paper Trail
Have your California labor attorney continue to write to the employer and if the retaliation accelerates, ask your attorney if he/she can amend your overtime pay lawsuit to include a cause of action for retaliation.
California Overtime Laws has a division of labor standards enforcement to assess penalties. The employers failing to observe the California Overtime requirements can be assessed penalties in the amount of $50 per unpaid worker for each pay period the employee wasn’t paid suitably. Under California Overtime requirements, a complaint by a single worker can set off a complete review of an employer’s records, resulting in penalties if any employee pays calculations out of overtime compliance.
Under Overtime Law in California, hourly workers with hours more than 8 hours in a work day must be paid overtime for hours worked over 8 hours. Moreover, workers with hours more than 12 hours must be paid double time, according to Overtime Law in California. Under California Labor Law Overtime, workers working seven days straight in a work week must receive overtime pay for the first eight hours on the seventh day (double time after eight hours).
If you are a California employee and believe you are owed Overtime or your employer has violated your rights, take action now and talk to an Experienced California Labor Attorney.
Tymon Hytem has sinced written about articles on various topics from Fitness, Legal Matters and Legal Matters. Lars Sheckton is a freelance journalist who frequently contributes and comments on California Labor Law issues and how to find a good http://www.californialaborlaw.i. Tymon Hytem's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Tymon Hytem to your Favourites.
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