People usually think of Christmas as time for celebration and holidaying. However, the actual picture is far from it. The preparations for these celebrations usually eat up so much on your time that you are left stressed out and with no time for your self. You can however, simply prioritize things and enjoy the festive season in a much better way.
First of all, just decide not to do too much. Go through your Christmas card list and make necessary changes in it. You do not have to get gifts for all of your acquaintances. People move on and away, and if your college buddy has not been in touch for a couple of years, you can write one card less this year. However, keep a few token gifts, like chocolates or nuts, on hand and wrapped just in case you have to dish out an unexpected present.
Make a priority list of things that need to be done. Figure out what is most important, and put that at the top of the list. If things get hectic, and you start feeling stressed, leave the less important things, at the bottom of the list, undone. Try not to worry about getting everything done; just get the most important things done.
If you are hosting a party at some point during the Christmas holiday season, do not make it a formal affair. Try to keep it casual (you can still where nice clothes, but you do not need a grand dinner). Have games available for those who wish to play, and serve elegant finger foods. Have a sandwich buffet where guests can build their own sandwiches, and have nice hors 'd oeuvres readily available.
This Christmas try to keep your stress levels low by deciding not to travel much. It is true that Christmas time is a great season to get together with friends and family but traveling, especially with kids can really get you hassled. Instead you can consider having a light and entertaining family event.
Rest assured your relatives will not complain provided you are consistent in not visiting anyone on Christmas. They will not accuse you of trying to avoid them or playing favorites. Moreover, you can plan to visit relatives a couple of days after Christmas and stay for the New Year holiday. You do not have to rush through Christmas on other people's'sschedule, if you have a plan of your own.
Cleaning up is one of the most stressful activities. Learn to handle it intelligently. Clean up a little at a time. Have a garbage bag handy when you open gifts. Put the paper and packaging directly into the bag. Also, throw things away as they are used, and have everyone load their dishes in the dishwasher right after dinner. Basically, take charge, and things will fall in place. These little things greatly reduce the mess that causes stress later on.
This is not to say that you can completely avoid Christmas stress, but you can certainly reduce the stress by pacing yourself and refusing to allow the Christmas season to overtake your life beyond your control.
Delorus Quintal has sinced written about articles on various topics from Stress Management, Family. Delorus Quintal is the chief editor for F christmas, the best place on the internet for information about christmas, For questions or comments about this article why not. Delorus Quintal's top article generates over 480 views. Bookmark Delorus Quintal to your Favourites.
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