If you are on a diet, how would you answer this question? Are you fat because you're hungry or are you hungry because you're fat? This appears to be a "which came first the chicken or the egg" type question but surprisingly to most dieters, the answer is both. Why? It is simple really, if you are over weight you have more body surface area that radiates heat and thus requires more calories to fuel this heat.
Nutritionists agree that foods that satisfy your hunger the fastest will help you to cut down on calories. They call this the satiety value of food. Some foods are quick to satisfy hunger but are short term in the digestive system and ultimately cause us to eat more often. Foods that remain in our digestive process longer have a higher satiety value.
Foods that have a high satiety value level include: meat, milk, and fish. Examples of foods with a low satiety value level would be eggs, green vegetables, and bread. An adequate combination of the high and low satiety value level foods is your best defense in curbing your appetite while on a diet.
The five tips will help you achieve a balance of satiety value food intake and help you curb your appetite.
1) Stop eating just short of receiving the full signal from your brain or stomach. For reasons not totally understood people that tend to put on weight easily have trouble recognizing the full signal from their brain until they have way over eaten.
2) Develop socially entertaining mental habits. Often dieters will become bored because they have few entertainment value interests and will turn to eating to fulfill this boredom. Find new hobbies or socialize with friends more to avoid this lack of entertainment stimulus.
3) Eat foods that require vigorous chewing. Generally foods that you must chew more before swallowing will stay in our digestive process longer. Foods such as meat, crisp celery, and uncooked carrots are great examples of these type of foods.
4) Do not drink too much water with meals. Drink only enough to help you swallow chewed food. Drinking more water than necessary will give you the notion you are full too soon and will be a false signal. Water remains in our digestive process the shortest of any other drink and will be quickly depleted from our system.
5) Cut down on your consumption of alcohol. Alcohol has a tendency to trick our metabolism system into believing it needs more food and sends us the hungry signal. In actual reality the body does want food to help absorb the alcohol, but often this signal is perceived as a false hungry signal instead.
6) What if you could make tasty meals yourself that would speed up the process of losing weight? By combining 'negative calorie' fruits and vegetables into salads and other dishes at mealtime, you can accelerate your weight loss in a delicious way.
Negative calorie foods are not new and have been discussed in weight loss circles for years. They are essentially fruits and vegetables that make your body use more calories (units of heat) to digest than they contain themselves. When you eat them as part of your diet, the net result is a negative calorie balance. This will help you lose weight faster.
Here is a short list of popular negative calorie fat burning foods:
* Asparagus
* Apples
* Beets
* Broccoli
* Cabbage
* Carrots
* Cauliflower
* Celery
* Cucumbers
* Garlic
* Grapefruit
* Lettuce
* Oranges
* Papaya
* Pineapples
* Raspberries
* Spinach
* Strawberries
* Turnips
* Zucchini
As you can see there are many fat burning foods to choose from that will not only help you decrease your appetite but also help you lose weight fast. The way to achieve faster weight loss with these foods is to eat more of them more often.
Detox And Lose Weight
Studies are beginning to indicate that candida may be an underlying cause of many chronic illnesses, related to many seemingly unrelated symptoms and syndromes many of which are extremely hard to diagnose when viewed separately. Candida may be passed between people, so diagnosis and treatment should be considered for the whole family.
Candidiasis or candida overgrowth can effect personality and social interactions, causing depression and anxiety, sleeplessness, or forgetfulness and confusion by upsetting the balance between bacteria and yeasts in the digestive tract. Changes in the immune system caused by candida overgrowth can interfere with memory and learning as with ADD and ADHD. Candida may in part have a relation to autism. Bacteria and yeast/fungi normally balance each other with neither allowing the other to over populate the bowel.
Candida also may well contribute to leaky gut syndrome, a condition that allows partially digested proteins to reach the blood stream. This relates to gluten intolerance or Celiac Sprue, Casein Intolerance and food allergies. Casein Intolerance is a condition caused by the allergy to milk proteins as opposed to lactose intolerance.
Specifically, introduction of gluten or casein proteins to the blood stream can be a result of leaky gut syndrome and contribute to food allergies. Occasionally, the candida yeast/fungus itself may invade the blood-stream, reproducing in parts of the body using spores. There is also a danger of life-threatening fungemia.
The candida population of your bowel may increase after antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy, or heavy alcohol use. This can decrease normal levels of bacteria in the mouth and digestive tract leading to an imbalance.
Some of the more common symptoms related to candida overgrowth are cystitis and fungal infections of the skin or nails, thrush or yeast infections.
Candida can also effect the endocrine system. Some symptoms of this pathology may be PMS, weight gain or weight loss, asthma, hay fever, muscle fatigue, chronic tiredness, joint pains or menstrual irregularities.
Candidiasis or Candida overgrowth may exhibit an astounding variety of symptoms which can vary greatly from person to person, even within the same household. Some have their own labels, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, insomnia, dyslexia to name a few.
Continuous fatigue, often more intense after eating, and low levels of energy even though sufficient sleep and rest are maintained can be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is often considered in conjunction with Fibromyalgia, another mystifying collection of symptoms which is hard to diagnose.
Food Allergies
During an allergic reaction of any kind you may become allergic to unrelated compounds ingested or absorbed during the allergic reaction thereby increasing your sensitivities to everyday substances. Allergies to food products containing or manufactured with additives made from corn, wheat, rice or other normal everyday nutrients can trigger allergies to many foods in general. It is hard to find modern processed foods that do not use additives made from corn and wheat.
Allergies to normal foods and additives made from food such as corn and wheat additives can trigger a starvation mode in which the body doesn't recognize the foods you eat as nutrients causing it to store fat because it believes you are 'starving'. This can cause 'unexplained weight gain'.
Allergies to airborne chemicals can be unpredictable and again may cause reactions to chemicals that were not allergens previously. Even exposure to perfumes in public areas has been known to elicit reactions. After a few of these domino style reactions it may seem that you've become 'allergic to everything', a 'universal reactor'. Studies show no significant difference in these situations between people with normal immune systems and those with compromised or damaged immune systems.
In recent years 'colonics', alternately known as colon hydrotherapy, colonic irrigation or colon irrigation have been becoming more evident as an alternative approach to health maintenance. While this may be beneficial, moderation is the key. If someone has more colonics than is prudent without replacing friendly bacteria that lives in the colon, candida colonies may grow enough to overpower the colonies of friendly bacteria.
Practitioners of Alternative or Homeopathic medicine may be able to diagnosis these symptoms effectively as related to the state of the digestive tract or organ groups and body systems. Acidosis may be an indication.
A candida overgrowth which overpowers the offsetting bacterial colonies may result in chronic fatigue, chronic yeast infections, or IBS along with excessive gas and bloating.
Some probiotics or friendly gut bacteria which help balance intestinal flora are lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacterium. The following probiotics can even help stabilize the balance by helping to bring candida under control, Bacillus Subtillis - A Spore Forming Bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis), Bacillus Coagulans - A Spore Forming Lactic Acid Bacteria (Bacillus Coagulans) and Enterococcus Faecalis - A Lactic Acid Bacteria (Group D [non-toxic] Enterococcus Faecalis).
Working on your health from an inner understanding of the relationships between your body, mind and the world around you will tune you up for a long healthy enjoyable life. Paying attention to your overall health, physical, mental and spiritual instead of concentrating on isolated symptoms will lead to a healthier body and lifestyle.
Both Coni Anderson & C R Ellsworth are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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