Even a few decades ago, arthritis used to be a disturbing part of life which mainly the retired brigade in their late 60's or 70's had to live with. But these days it is not uncommon to find arthritis patients in their thirties. This rising attacks of several types of arthritis in a comparatively early stage of life have largely been attributed to the toxins that penetrate into the human body either through foods and drinks or as environmental pollutants. Let's learn how to deal with this slowly debilitating disease through detox diet.
The early symptoms: take them seriously
To begin with, never neglect any symptoms of arthritis. It may start with such insignificant indication as a stiff finger or a mild uneasiness in your knees, but if you keep on neglecting these early signals, they will soon turn out to be monster of a disabling disease. So it is highly recommended by the holistic health practitioners that as soon as you start experiencing any kind of arthritis symptom, switch on to a detox diet, to get rid of the toxins causing arthritis.
Fight the uric acid
Do you know the name of the chief culprit in causing arthritis in your body? Well, it is the highly toxic uric acids that give rise to inflammatory symptoms that is arthritis is all about. (Arthritis can be defined simply as the inflammation of joints). – In order to get rid of the uric acids from the body, first of all you have to cleanse your bowel and liver. Take the help of such herbs as dandelion, milk thistle, barberry, cascara sagrada, licorice, chickweed, ginger and cayenne to get a clean liver. – A liver and bowel cleanse can help. Many herbs cleanse both the liver and the bowel, such as dandelion, milk thistle, barberry, cascara sagrada, licorice, chickweed, ginger and cayenne. The aromatic herbs, such as fennel, anise, dill and cinnamon, reduce gas and gastric pain. – For moving the bowels smoothly and completely, consume organic flex seeds either as capsules or as herbal tea. – To expel gas, make use of such herbs as fennel, anise, dill and cinnamon.
Correct the mineral balance in the body
Mineral imbalance caused by excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol and refined sugar is one of the major causes of arthritis and to correct the mineral balance of your body, not only avoid the above mentioned elements in food, also consume lots of calcium and iron rich foods like dark green leafy vegetables; seafood; nuts; legumes; and whole-grain breads and cereals.
Juice fasting
Juice fasting can do miracle to relieve your inflammatory pains. A juice fast should last for one to three days and consist of a combination of fresh carrot, beet and parsley juice support the removal of excess acids on the one hand and increased bowel movements on the other.
The lemonade master cleanses or alfalfa seed tea is also considered effective to reduce the pain of arthritis.
Finally, flood your inside with plenty of water to help the toxic debris get eliminated from the system smoothly.
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