If you're worried about lowering your cholesterol level you're not alone. Changing your diet to lower cholesterol is usually the first step in cholesterol maintenance, before medicines are added. People who have high cholesterol may be able to lower their cholesterol levels with these simple lifestyle changes:
Step 5) The School of Medicine at Stanford University did a study consisting of 377 men and post-menopausal women, with high cholesterol. First they put them on a low-fat diet, and then had half of them to do aerobic exercise, and the other half did no form of exercise at all.
After one year, the exercising group had significantly reduced their cholesterol levels - while the sedentary group showed no such reduction in their cholesterol. So the 5th step is to add aerobic exercise to your lifestyle.
Step 4) Did you know that the average person makes about 75% of their blood cholesterol in their own liver, while only about 25% is absorbed from food. So you should be able to further reduce your cholesterol with dietary changes.
A low-fat diet with no trans-fats will lower your cholesterol anywhere from 8% to 20%. There are several very good low-fat diets - the Dash Diet, Mediterranean Diet, the South Beach Diet, Ultra metabolism Diet, and Weight Watchers Diet are all great diets to reduce your fat and trans-fat intake. All of these diets have either online programs or manuals and books to provide step-by-step instructions and menu plans. So your 4th step is to add a reduced fat diet.
Step 3) One of the reasons your body produces Cholesterol is a self preservation tactic. Your arteries develop cracks and stress fractures as a natural occurrence. Your body must patch these cracks and fractures or you will bleed to death.
The substance of choice for your body to use is Collagen. However, if the raw ingredients needed aren't present in sufficient quantities to produce this miraculous elixir, cholesterol can also be used instead.
So to keep your collagen production at its peak, rather than giving your liver a reason to produce additional cholesterol, give your body plenty of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Your 3rd step is to add vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to your diet.
Step 2) 60 recent heart bypass surgery patients were divided into groups. The first group had no dietary restrictions, while the second and third group had one white or one red grapefruit each day.
The second and third group had significantly lowered cholesterol levels while the no grapefruit group showed no reduction. But the red grapefruit group also had a reduction in their triglycerides. So step 2 is "Eat Red Grapefruit", which will incidentally help with step 3 as well.
Step 1) A study of 14,600 men and women ages 45 to 75, recently showed the participants' total cholesterol declined as their number of meals per day increased. Those who ate five or six times a day had the lowest total cholesterol, on average approximately 5% lower, while the highest measurements were found among those who ate only one or two meals a day. So your number 1 step, and incidentally the easiest, is to eat five or six small meals a day, rather than one or two large ones.
If you find a diet to lower cholesterol and follow these 5 steps, you should have your cholesterol to healthy levels as quickly as possible.
Diet Plan To Lower Cholesterol
Cholesterol is needed for our body to build cell walls, make hormones and vitamin D, and create bile salts that help you digest fat. However too much of it can be dangerous because cholesterol cannot dissolve in your blood. The special particle called lipoprotein moves this waxy, soft substance from place to place. If you have too much low density lipoprotein LDL that is known as bad cholesterol, overtime cholesterol can build up in your arterial walls causing blockage and leading to heart attack and stroke.
There are 2 types of cholesterol:
1. Low density lipoprotein in short LDL, as mention above is known as bad cholesterol. Most people with uncontrolled diet that is high in saturated fat have high levels of LDL. This is very harmful to your body.
2. High density lipoprotein in short HDL, is known as good cholesterol. It helps to carry bad cholesterol away from your arteries to the liver where it is eliminated.
High cholesterol in your blood can be dangerous, but it can be controllable through diet.
1.Eating less saturated fat and trans fat.
Saturated is the most dangerous fat because it raises blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels that increase the chance of arterial clotting. Eating too much saturated fat overtime will cause arteries to become stiff and inflexible.
Trans fats are made from polyunsaturated fats that undergo a process that makes things even worse for your arteries than saturated fat. They raise the LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol, which is doubly bad for your heart.
2. Choose monounsaturated
Monounsaturated fat can be found in olive, canola and nuts which helps to lower LDL cholesterol. Unlike the polyunsaterated fat, it does not lower your HDL cholesterol.
3.Eat whole grains
Whole grain contains a lot of fiber that helps to slash LDL cholesterol while leaving the good HDL cholesterol alone. Study shows that an additional 10 grams of cereal fiber can reduce the risk of heart attacks by 29%.
4. Eat more cold water fish
Cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines are healthy sources of omega 3 fatty acids that can help to lower triglycerides.
5. Maintain a healthy weight
Maintain your weight within a healthy range by balancing calorie intake. If not, your body will convert extra calories to triglycerides and store them, increasing your chance of heart disease.
6. Increase physical activity
Study shows that regular exercise helps to reach the ideal balance of high HDL cholesterol and low triglycerides.
I hope this article will help you to understand the danger of high levels of cholesterol, if you want to know more please visit;
Both B.J. Gordey & Kyle Norton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
B.J. Gordey has sinced written about articles on various topics from High Cholesterol, Lose Weight and College Education. B.J. Gordey is the owner of Top10-diets.com. Are you looking for a diet to lower cholesterol and ways to add a. B.J. Gordey's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark B.J. Gordey to your Favourites.
Kyle Norton has sinced written about articles on various topics from Abdominal, Finances and Health. Kyle J. Nortoncholeaterollevelsguide02.blogspot.com/beste. Kyle Norton's top article generates over 165000 views. Bookmark Kyle Norton to your Favourites.
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