The formula for losing weight is simple. Eat less and exercise more. It's a formula that's work since the beginning of time. People tend to get all caught up in the latest diet fads, the latest weight programs to hit the market and what the celebrities are doing. It doesn't have to be that complicated at all. Just follow these 10 easy diet tips and watch those extra pounds melt away.
Diet Tip 1. Eliminate empty calories and junk foods (fats and sugars) from your diet. This one is a no-brainer. If you're going to eat, eat healthy.
Diet Tip 2. Reduce the amount of overall fat in our diet to a maximum of 30%. Eating less then 20% of your calories from fat is even better. Remember, some fat is essential and some fats are better than others. Avocado, olives, nuts and seeds, various oils like olive, flaxseed and canola, and fatty fish are all good fat choices. Keep some of these types of fats in your diet.
Diet Tip 3. Adjust your caloric ratio to increase protein during the day and decrease carbs at night. As a rule of thumb, you want about a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. Eat protein throughout the day so your muscles get what they need, when they need it. Lower the number of carbs in your diet in the evening, as you have fewer energy demands as the day goes on.
Diet Tip 4. Eat less as the day goes on. As the saying goes: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. This way as your day slows down, so does your caloric intake.
Diet Tip 5. Time your carbs. Get your carbs in the morning and afternoon and lay off them at night when your body doesn't burn them as efficiently. Carbs are also best eaten as a quick energy boost before and after a workout.
Diet Tip 6. Eat several small meals (5-6 per day), and eat less as the day goes on. Remember diet tip 4.
Diet Tip 7. Eat 25-30 grams of fiber a day. Great sources of fiber include wheat bran, oatmeal and beans.
Diet Tip 8. Vegetables are a great snack and should be a dieting mainstay. Make sure that you consumer at least five servings of vegetables per day.
Diet Tip 9. Eat and walk. Very light physical activity, like a stroll after lunch or dinner, not only helps digestion, but also helps to boost your metabolism and burns up some calories.
Diet Tip 10. Supplement your diet with the nutrients your body needs ? especially if you are cutting calories. Make sure that you are eating foods for all food groups and make sure the food that goes into your body is as nutritional as possible.
Again, you don't need to follow a celebrity diet plan to lose weight. By following these simple time tested rules of weight loss, you will lose those extra pounds, hit your weight loss goals and achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Diets For Kids Weight Loss
In this article we will look at 6 great diet tips- these tips will help you lose weight as well as giving you more energy to get through your day. These tips include:
Maintaining a Steady Metabolism - A steady metabolism means that you burn more calories throughout the day, whilst also giving you more energy throughout the day. The best way to maintain a steady metabolism is to eat regularly inter spaced, small meals throughout the day- approx one every 3 hours, with 8 hours off at night.
Eat smaller meals - Most people eat too much food, placing huge helpings on big plates and thinking that they have to clear the plate. Make smaller servings and serve them on smaller plates for a healthier diet.
If you compare serving sizes from 1970 to 2007, you will find that serving sizes have increased 25-36 percent. Just look at the giant sized sodas and burgers that are now considered standard, not to mention all of the super sized fast food meals.
Although you may be saving a few pennies by opting for the largest size, you body will thank you for choosing the smallest size possible. Whats better, to save 50 cents now and then spend twenty five dollars on a fat burner later on?
Eat more often - This goes with the above, and helps raise your metabolism so that you burn calories more quickly. Eating 6 smaller meals will help keep your energy levels up and keep your appetite at bay.
Drink more water - You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day to boost your energy levels. Many people mistake hunger for thirst so end up eating too much. Try eating less food and drinking more water.
Don't Skip Breakfast - Way too many people skip breakfast, and this is to their detriment. Your body has been fasting for 8-12 hours and you need to start your day going with an energy and metabolism boost, ensuring you set your day off on the right track. If you routinely skip breakfast, it is time to change your routine.
Eat more fiber - fiber helps keep your body processes regular. You need to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables and grains, or supplement your diet with a fiber supplement. Eating more fiber will also help you feel full longer after eating a meal.
If you follow the above mentioned tips to improve your diet, you will find that you are losing weight, as well as living a happier, healthier life full of more energy.
Both Matthew Mcbride & Patricia Zelkovsky are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Matthew Mcbride has sinced written about articles on various topics from . About the Author: Matthew McBride is the founder of LoveMyGym, an online fitness and exercise resource to help you get the most out of gym membership. Click here for information on. Matthew Mcbride's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Matthew Mcbride to your Favourites.
Patricia Zelkovsky has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hoodia, Low Carb Diet and Lose Weight. For more Dieting & Fitness Tips and to pick up a Free copy of the wildly popular special report "The Stubborn Fat Solution" please visit. Patricia Zelkovsky's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Patricia Zelkovsky to your Favourites.
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