Your world has been rocked with the nasty acne, and your doctor is trying to tell you there are different kinds of acne, so treatment can be done only after diagnosing the root cause. You might heard of a few of them, the more common varieties such as acne vulgaris or acne rosacea, which you must have seen on the news or surfing the net.
When you do realize what you have is not just a boil, but a full blown acne, you need to find out what kind it is before trying to solve the problem. Just like having a cold doesn't necessarily mean it is a common cold, it could be an allergy, or viral infection. The person needs to consult their doctor, to identify the type of acne, the causes for the same before taking medication or applying any anti acne ointment. If you are an adult, who has suddenly seen an outburst of acne, it could be due to various reasons. Some of them being hormonal imbalances, pollutants in air, stress or adverse reactions to certain medications you have been taking for other ailments you have.
These are just a few of the kinds, research and study shows that there are various others factors, although the main are hormones for men and women alike. Another kind of acne is the Acne Cosmetic, a funny name for acne, but it was probably christened so because it is related to the kind of cosmetics the person might be using that perhaps does not suit their skin type or they are allergic to certain particles that go into the making of the product. Talking about this kind of acne, a person's skin and the pores react adversely and so the cosmetics being used need to be analyzed and maybe the brand should be changed. This is probably why doctors advise patients to do an allergy patch test before using any product that could have chemicals in them.
Some of the other interesting kinds of acne are Acne Congoblata, which occurs due to hereditary reasons and there is no explanation why a person gets this form of acne. Unlike other acnes, this appears on the face and back, leaving behind visible scars. And there is no complete cure for this acne, so one needs to let nature take its course and pray the scars are not deep.
A kind of acne caused due to heavy usage of soaps and detergents, or due to an ingredient in the soap a person uses is Acne Detergens. For this, people need to stop using that particular soap, and switch to alternative brands. This might seem all too overwhelming, but there are few more varieties of acne going around the world, which goes to show how big a problem these little zits are. And finally, Acne Pomade, is what happens when oil or creams used in our hair enters our face, or typically our forehead which causes skin irritation and clogging leading to acne.
Different Kinds Of Acne
The birth of the zit may be constant, but this doesn't necessarily mean that the pimple will always be the same. Different types of pimples can pop out from the same face. But all pimples start as a comendo, which is a lesion caused by oil and bacteria that plug the pores. Basically, a comendo is waiting to grow into a pimple. The pimple itself has many classifications. Some pimples do not necessarily have pus or redness.
1. Blackheads and Whiteheads
Blackheads are considered as acne, and this kind is called an open comendo. The blackness, despite common notions, is not caused by dirt or bacteria but by the collection of melanin. Whiteheads, on the other hand, are created because the lesions are formed underneath the skin and are closed. This causes to create small, white bumps in the face or body. Both whiteheads and blackheads are considered as non-inflammatory acne.
2. Papule
The most annoying and irritating type of acne is the inflammatory kind. Under this kind of acne, there are more different types. One is called the Papule, which is the mildest form of inflammatory acne. It is seen as a small pink bump, but this could also be a bridge towards more severe acne that will become inflammatory lesions.
3. Pustules
Pustules are a more severe kind of acne, which is visibly inflamed and where pus can also be seen. People can differentiate it because it has a red base and it has a white or yellow center. This may look like it has bacteria in it. This is not the case, however. Pustules just have a chemical reaction between the sebum, which causes irritation.
4. Nodules or Cysts
Nodules or cysts are probably the worst. They are big and typically painful, especially to the touch. These cysts are inflamed and are pus-filled lesions that dig deep in the skin. This is formed when the comendo has spread in the surrounding skin.
Since the body senses this as an infection, the immune system sends white blood cells to abate the problem. Part of the solution process needs the production of pus, which is why there is pus in some pimples. The severest of this kind of acne can last up to weeks or even months. And since it is deep within the skin, this also causes the deepest scars.
5. Conglobata
Another type of acne is acne conglobata. This is a rare form of acne and it is usually found at the back, chest or buttocks. The rarity suggests that it is especially severe, because besides the formation of the nodules and pustules, the area may also have bacterial infection.
The best first step in treating acne is to have knowledge about it and how to treat it. Relying on commercially available products may do the trick but this does not happen all the time.
It is still best to ask a dermatologist for help especially when confusion ensues. They cannot only identify what kind of acne it is, but also how to treat it the right way. Different types of acne suggest that there are different ways to treat them and relying on preconceived notions to treat the acne isn't really the best idea.
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Darren W. has sinced written about articles on various topics from Acne Treatment, Skin Care and Acne Treatment. Author is the webmaster of Acne and Acne Treatment. Download Free. Darren W.'s top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Darren W. to your Favourites.
Wong, Darren has sinced written about articles on various topics from . Darren W. is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Acne and Acne Treatment. Wong, Darren's top article . Bookmark Wong, Darren to your Favourites.
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