Herbs can be considered one of the most important products in the world today, and for many different reasons. Herbs can be used for many different purposes, and for most of the part, they are plants that are grown for culinary, medicinal, or in some cases, even spiritual value. Basically, what happens is that the green and leafy part of the medicinal plant is typically used for all of these purposes.
Culinary herbs are basically distinguished from vegetables in that they are used in smaller quantity, and they also provide flavor, rather than substance, in our food.
With regards to the actual history of herbs, they have truly played an important part in man's life for thousands of years, and some herbs were actually given magical properties in some traditional rituals, and this was probably in part due to the fact that herbs are considered as having medicinal purposes; in fact, in France during the Middle Ages period, babies were actually rubbed with Artemisia juices in order to protect them from the cold (which can be deadly then).
Mint is one of the most popular herbs of today, and Greek athletes actually used to use bruised mint leaves as an after-bath lotion, and as well, in the Middle Ages, mint was considered as being extremely important as it was used as a cleansing agent. Mint was later even used to purify water that had turned stale on long voyages.
More About Types of Herbs
There is truly a multitude of herbs that are out there, some discovered and some still lying inside some jungles. Some of the herbs includes the following: Ajwain, Allspice, Aloe Vera, Ambrosia herbs, Anise, Apple mint, Arrowroot, Annatto, Avens, Balmony, Basil, Bison grass, Bistort, Bitters, Blue Cohosh, Boldo, Bush tomato, Caper, Caraway, Cinnamon, Chickweed, Centaury, Cayenne pepper, and many more.
If you are interested in growing your own herbs for consuming, then you can easily do so in your own garden. However if you wish, you can also just go to your local grocery store to pick up these same herbs easily, however they will taste much better if you grow them yourself, or at least buy them when fresh.
It is overall easy to see how important herbs are, as well as how many uses that they have; herbs are used for so many things, not only in the olden days but in the present time as well, and so it is incredibly important to recognize and realize this. It is through preservation of our forest that we can continue to discover more herbs.
Different Kinds Of Bacteria
Throughout history, humans have been adding natural sweeteners to food in order to make it more palatable. Up until today, people still use natural sweeteners as one of the primary ingredients in food. In nature, there are different kinds of natural sweeteners that you can use to make every meal you eat delicious in taste.
However, you also need to consider the fact that science has found a way to make synthetic sweetener or artificial sweetener. During the past decades, artificial sweeteners proved to be much cheaper than natural sweeteners. In fact, every household in the United States uses some kind of artificial sweeteners as food additive. Because of the development of artificial sweeteners, the natural ones have been neglected and are now less used in many households in the United States today.
Americans are also growing more and more concern about their health and the kind of foods they eat. Sweet foods are now considered to be unhealthy and can cause different kinds of illnesses if taken in a long term basis. However, what people don't know is that this is mainly because of the effect of artificial sweeteners that is now widely common in households all over the United States and the civilized world.
Research has found that it is not actually the sweet food that causes different kinds of diseases but it is mainly caused by the additives in artificial or synthetic sweeteners. Further research suggests that natural sweeteners are healthier than artificial ones. However, some people say that artificial sweeteners bring out more of the flavor on food. What they don't realize is that natural sweeteners are as good as the artificial ones regarding the taste and also the potency.
There were also findings that natural sweeteners have less calories and are considered to be healthier than the artificial ones. Natural sweeteners are recommended for diabetics and it is also recommended for people who are on a diet but still loves to eat sweets.
So, here are the different kinds of natural sweeteners that you can add to your meals to make it more delicious without worrying about the bad effects on your body:
Stevia - This is a type of sweetener used by South Americans and because it contains fewer calories than other common sweeteners, it is now growing very popular in the United States. This particular sweetener can be added to almost any of your food and beverages that needs to be sweetened. This particular sweetener comes in powder tablets or liquid
Tagatose - This is another type of natural sweetener that is found in milk. Tagatose has the same chemical composition as fructose but in terms of chemical and physical characteristics, it is quite different.
Agave - This particular sweetener is very popular among health and diet fanatics. It has fewer calories than artificial sweeteners and is recommended for diabetics. This particular sweetener can act as a substitute to honey. However, Agave is not as thick and as sweet as honey but many people have said that it has a wonderful taste that you will truly love.
These are some of the different kinds of natural sweeteners available in the market today. So, if you want a healthier alternative to artificial or synthetic sweeteners, you should consider getting some of the natural sweeteners mentioned. It will provide you with better tasting food and also effectively managing diabetes and minimize the risk of rotting teeth.
Both Tango Pang & Bob Janeway are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.