Internet marketing joint ventures are also markedly different from joint ventures in other niches for the help Amateurs tend to focus only on online requests through emails, probably due the nature of their line of work.
This mindset is absolutely fatal as people nowadays are inundated with tons of emails and reading material, and many of them will simply not be bothered to read your joint venture requests, if they were to be delivered through a non-intimate medium like email.
Emails should be treated as only the first step in your joint venture requests. Use email to turn cold prospects into warm ones for the help However, even then, your emails must be personal, and not sound like they came from modifying a template. Use first names in your emails wherever possible to avoid sounding like a robot.
Once you have a prospective joint venture partner warmed up to you, it is critical that you follow up with a phone call if possible. This will highly increase your odds of success. Calling your joint venture partners shows your sincerity in making your partnership work out. It also builds up trust and rapport which will contribute to a better working relationship.
Remember that it is deadly to be conventional. Do special things. Wild things. Do them even if it incurs some costs; if done right, and many of them will simply not be bothered to read your joint venture requests, if they were to be delivered through a non-intimate medium like email they will pay off very well. This will highly increase your odds of success. Calling your joint venture partners shows your sincerity in making your partnership work out. This is especially true if you are attempting to strike up a deal with a guru.
Create a special joint venture package for him. Make it very personalized. Have it delivered to his residential address. Have a handwritten card in it that sums up the details of the joint venture partnership.
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