Things can change quickly over a short period of time, or very slowly, and from deal to deal, again depending on the initial deal itself. It's around this problem I want to share the solution with you that will solidly plant the notion of how the impossible becomes possible when trying to strike deals, and how they can be modified in part or in total to suit the circumstance. After we've done this in report one, in part two I'm going to demonstrate exactly what I mean using examples and dummy joint venture circumstances and ask you questions about each one, to cover all the bases, and give you the best chance of scoring joint ventures with different types of people.
So the basic plan for me when I set out to write this report was to look at what to joint venture and with whom. I'm going to do this in the best way I know how. Hopefully it will also make it incredibly easy to follow and it will stick in your mind and become second nature. This is a great section to check back to if you ever find yourself stuck for ideas as to what to put on the table in a particular circumstance to seal your deals.
The two main problems that we're going to be solving are number one. You're new to marketing, you're new in your market so, just what do you give to a marketer who has everything? I often found myself in this situation, and you may just be there right now, where it's hard to find something to give someone that they don't already have.
For can visit to: you could just give them higher commissions but, that's very basic and, it's extremely likely that they get loads of them all the time. That's not going to do much good when they have their own products to promote for starters and don't particularly have time to carry out anything other than the most special joint ventures. When you're vying for the attention of someone in high demand this makes things even more difficult for you. Problem number two. Are you creating some sort of info product? How do you expect to JV a 30k a month marketer with a ?how to? product? How do you expect to pull in joint ventures from the best in your field if your product teaches them what they already know? Giving your product away in itself isn't going to be enough for you. An extension of problem number one, this is the second issue we're going to address and provide solutions and workarounds for under different circumstances. This will be coupled with the other joint venture sections throughout the course that will allow you to score some good joint ventures even if you've never released such a product in your field of expertise before, and even if you don't have a big name or reputation that you've built up to go on.
Different Types Of People
To be blunt, they are in every business.
Every Company.
Every Corporate Board.
Every Church.
Every Family.
Every Association.
Every Athletic League.
Every School.
Every University.
And Anywhere.
You Name it.
You will find them.
There are More than just One in MLM and Network Marketing.
And you will find that there is more of one than the other.
And you wll find them in EVERY Network Marketing and MLM Company.
Ok... who are they?
People that are OPEN to a new idea, and people that are CLOSED to a new idea. Let me repeat that. THIS IS IMPORTANT:
People that are OPEN to a new idea, and people that are CLOSED to a new idea. People that are Closed to new ideas are not for this business, and about 60-70% of the people you talk to are closed. They make great customers, but for the most part, horrible mlm distributors.
They look for reasons why something will NOT work, and they usually are fairly negative people.
They do not like change, and they prefer for things to stay the same. They LOVE the status quo, and their favorite word is AVERAGE .
People that are OPEN to the Idea of MLM are quite different.
People that are Open to new ideas are generally more ambitious, energized, and successful. They look for things TO work, and they bring an energy to things that most of the world will not.
These are the folks that are the LEADERS of the world, and usually do well in MLM and Network Marketing if they apply themselves. They love change, and understand that change brings with it Growth, which is important to these folks. They cannot stand the status quo, and their favorite word is MORE.
And if you have not figured it yet, RECRUIT the folks who are OPEN!
THAT is why they are powerful folks. They Empower Opportunity and Possibilities! Especially in MLM and Network Marketing.
or Closed.
You Will Find Them Both in Home Business.
You will run into both in Network Marketing. Don't take it personally if a person is closed to what you have to offer. They are closed to growth and expansion in their life for the most part, and probably will remain so.
Don't waste your time trying to recruit them. Get them as a customer, and see if they know anyone is is open to MASSIVE SUCCESS and MLM Success!
Both Tripat & Doug Firebaugh are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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