To treat acne, there exists many types of acne medication and solutions. Many of the acne medication treatments may include topical or systematic acne solutions. Additionally, homeopathic treatments may also be applied to prevent the out-break of acne, an example of which is the use of mild soaps and water. Which acne medication to use first depends on what is the cause of acne.
There can be many causes of acne. Some of the causes include:
? Over-secretion of the sebaceous glands of its sebum (natural oil of the skin).
? Hormon imbalances due to internal changes in your body.
? The weakening of the immune system due to the attacks of the acne-infecting bacteria called as "Propionibacterium acnes".
? Impaired internal detoxification system.
? The reaction of the digestive system to the food items you eat.
? Stress.
? Genetic influences.
? Environmental pollutants or toxins.
? Cosmetics that contain chemicals, preservatives or harmful substances.
The severity of your acne problem determines the type of acne medication to be used. In fact, for the less serious acne cases or conditions, it is best to start with natural acne solutions. This normally comprises of natural herbs and exotic plants that are effective in removing blemishes and the prevention of bacterial formation. One example of less serious acne symptoms are those that appear on the onset of an acne outbreak.
Fruits and vegetables are perfect in lessening the effects of the above mentioned factors. They contain eeded minerals and vitamins for healthy skin. These may also have the properties of effectively cleansing and removing the oil from the skin tissues, like that of cucumbers and tomatoes. Most vegetables and fruits have a high water content. Water itself is potent in releasing body toxins from the body. Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of distilled water can help prevent the onset of acne.
However, if you have a serious acne breakout, the use of acne medication treatment may be suitable. Acne medication products include topical and systematic acne solutions.
Topical acne solutions are those which you apply on the skin surface. One ingredient found in a topical acne medication product is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is effective in reducing the quantity of bacteria on the skin. However, prolonged use can result in dryness of the skin, contract dermatitis and cause skin irritations.
Another ingredient in a topical acne medication product is Azeilic acid. Azeilic acid is known for its diminishing effect like that of benzoyl peroxide, on the bacterial presence on the skin. This acne solution is also effective in evening out the darker complexions produced by the recent flare-ups of acne. The side effects of this acne solution are impermanent discoloration on the affected area and extreme dryness.
In addition, Erythromycin in its topical form may reduce the acne inflammation. This acne solution is often combined with benzoyl peroxide to rigorously attack belligerent infection caused by the "Propionibacterium acnes".
An acne solution that does not only obstruct the growth of the acne-infecting bacteria but may also address inflammation and clogged pores is Sodium Sulfacetamide treatment. However, it is not commonly used as a treatment to acne because of its smell. Yet, it has been proven to help acne flare-ups in many cases.
Systematic acne medications are usually prescribed to more severe cases of acne infections. Generally speaking, the treatment may last up to six months. For women, the most prescribed systematic acne solution is anti-androgens. This form of treatment controls the secretion of a certain hormone and is commonly referred to as hormonal treatment.
Treating your skin with the right acne medication type is important. For instance, if your acne problem is at best mild, you don't want to be applying too strong a product on your skin. Too harsh a product can cause your skin to age faster and result in wrinkles or dry scaly skin. It is therefore, best to research properly on acne medications that will be the most appropriate for your acne problem.
Different Types Of Popcorn
Today, both the merchants and the affiliates can see clearly that affiliate marketing can work for both of them. The merchant sees affiliate marketing today as the chance to advertise their products at a lower cost. The affiliates, on the other hand, sees affiliate marketing as an easy way of earning profits online by doing what they like most, and that is by creating websites.
Just as the popularity of affiliate marketing has shifted into greater heights, so has the people's outlook about it changed. No longer is affiliate marketing considered today as an alternative method for the merchant to advertise his products, or as a source of additional income for the affiliates. For merchants and affiliates alike, affiliate marketing is now considered as a main source of profits and revenues.
So the question now is what type of affiliate marketing will work best for you? Are all affiliate marketing programs the same? Are the benefits the same? Or are there affiliate marketing programs that work better than the others?
There are actually different types or classes of affiliate marketing, and the number of types will depend on how one will classify them. The most basic affiliate marketing programs, however, falls under two categories: pay-per-click (PPC), and pay-per-performance (PPP).
?Pay Per Click (PPC)
PPC is the most popular type of affiliate marketing for affiliates with small websites, and probably the easiest way for them to earn money. In this affiliate marketing type, the merchant pays his affiliate whenever a visitor is referred to his site, that is whenever someone clicks through the merchant's banner or text ads. The affiliate gets paid a certain amount even if the visitor he referred does not purchase anything from the merchant's site. However, typical fees for PPC affiliate programs are small, usually not exceeding a dollar for every click.
?Pay Per Performance (PPP)
PPP affiliate marketing is the most popular among merchant and is also the most lucrative type for the affiliates. In this type of affiliate program, the merchant only pays the affiliate whenever his referral translates into an action?that is whenever the visitor he has referred actually buys something from the merchant's site or when the visitor becomes a lead. This means a lot of savings for the merchant. On the other hand, it becomes the most lucrative type for the dedicated affiliate, for commissions in PPP affiliate marketing usually comes in the range of 15% to 20% of the actual product sales.
Pay-per-performance affiliate marketing can be further classified into two popular types: pay-per-sales (PPS) and pay-per-lead (PPL).
oPay Per Sale (PPS)
In a pay-per-sale type of affiliate marketing, the merchants pay the affiliate a certain fee whenever the visitor he has referred to the merchant's site actually buys something from the merchant's site. Affiliates are often paid on commission basis, although other merchants would opt to pay a fixed fee. But no matter what the basis of the fee is, it is generally higher than the fee paid to affiliates in a pay-per-click affiliate program.
oPay Per Lead (PPL)
The pay-per-lead type of affiliate marketing is a slight variation of the PPS type and is often used by insurance and finance companies and other companies who rely on leads for their company to grow. In this type of affiliate marketing, the affiliate is paid whenever the visitor he referred to the merchant's site fills up an application form or any similar form related to the business of the company. Compensation for this type of affiliate marketing is based on a fixed fee whose rates approximate that of the fixed fee in the PPS type.
Aside from these three specific types of affiliate marketing, a lot of other affiliate marketing types exist. If the classification is based on the depth of the affiliate network, it can be classified as single-tier, two-tier, and multi-tier affiliate marketing. There is also another type of affiliate marketing that pays the affiliate each time the customer he has referred purchases something from the merchant's site.
?Single-Tier, Two-Tier, and Multi-Tier Affiliate Marketing
These types of affiliate marketing are based on the different levels or tiers in the affiliate network by which payments are made. In a single-tier affiliate marketing program, the affiliates are only paid based on the direct sales or traffic he has referred to the merchant. All the previously mentioned affiliate marketing types (i.e. PPS< PPL, and PPC) fall under the single-tier classification.
?In two-tier affiliate marketing programs, the affiliate is not only paid for the direct traffic or sales that he refers to the merchant's site, but also on every traffic or sales referred by various other affiliates who joined the affiliate program through his recommendation. Multi-tier affiliate marketing works the same way, although the affiliate gets additional commission for a wider number of affiliates in different tiers in the affiliate network.
? Residual Income Affiliate Marketing
In residual income affiliate marketing, the affiliate gets paid not only once for every customer he has referred to the merchant's site. Rather, the affiliate is also paid whenever the customer he has referred returns to the site and purchase another product. Compensation for such type of affiliate marketing is based on either sales percentage commission or fixed fee basis.
The different affiliate marketing types would virtually work differently for merchants and affiliates alike, and each would generally have their own list of benefits. Which type of affiliate marketing will work best for you? It is not really for me to tell. Rather, it is for you to choose which type of affiliate marketing program will suit your needs and characteristics best.
Both Kathlene Capelle & John Ugoshowa are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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John Ugoshowa has sinced written about articles on various topics from Affiliate Programs, About Branding and Fat Loss. John Ugoshowa. For more information about affiliate marketing see the affiliate marketing section of The Free Ad Forum at: . John Ugoshowa's top article generates over 201000 views. Bookmark John Ugoshowa to your Favourites.
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