Fitness is a vital element in a person's life. It does not refer to fitness of body alone. Workouts enable a person to achieve the perfect body. A person must eat well, sleep well and exercise well to have a sound mind and body. It is observed that an obese person may have a lot of stamina and a slim person may hardly have any stamina to withstand daily pressures. Exercise and workouts are the most effective ways of increasing stamina and achieving good health to cope up with stress. Workouts enable a person to perform at optimum energy levels.
A workout involves exercises carried out in an effort to exert the muscles in different ways to stay fit. Workouts must be supported by a balanced diet. It is not advisable to cut out on eating to achieve the perfect body. Today, there has been an increased focus on the importance of fitness and workouts. A lot of people exercise to reduce or manage weight. The 'feel good' element of exercise is as important as the 'look good' element. It is recommended to consult a fitness expert before undertaking any workout program. A person must have a customized workout plan and set smaller goals initially. A beginner must not do a workout for too long at first, as this may result in joint-aches and exhaustion.
People usually enroll themselves in a fitness center or a gym. The monthly fees vary, and some can be expensive, while others are quite affordable. Many gyms have advanced fitness machines. Treadmills and stationery bikes are very good for lower body exercises. Most exercisers like to use a fitness ball for abdominal workouts. One of the main advantages of joining a fitness center is that workouts are carried out under the supervision of experts. The wrong workout can cause harm and lead to sprains or body-aches.
Exercises like boxing and martial arts increase energy levels. High energy levels are very effective stress-busters. Workouts help in reducing stress hormones in a human body. A lot of people practice Yoga or Tai chi to relieve mental stress. For more details visit
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How many hours of sleep should a person have? There is no definite answer to this question. Sleep needs vary from one individual to the other. Some people may feel fresh even after 5-6 hours of sleep while the others may be drowsy even after 10-11 hours of sleeping. The key to understand ones sleep needs is that if you are feeling tired, drowsy during the day time and are unable to concentrate on your work, then probably you need more sleep.
A good night sleep boosts the immune system and helps the body in fighting diseases. It is essential for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. People who are constantly sleep deprived are more prone to high blood pressure and diabetes.
The following are some common reasons that may lead to sleep deprivation:
1. Working long hours.
2. Stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine.
3. Light or noise in the sleep environment.
4. Stress and anxieties of work, relationships.
5. Excessive alcoholic drinks.
6. Illness, medications and drugs.
The above are just a few reasons that may trigger sleep problems. In addition to the above, an unhealthy diet and lack of proper sleep routine can also lead to disturbing sleep.
There are a number of sleep disorder treatments that are being constantly explored and researched that can aid good night sleep. These sleep disorder treatments vary from sleeping apparatus such as nasal caps (for reducing snoring) to sleep medications (herbal and chemical) and even surgery in certain cases. The following is a brief summarization of some common sleep disorder treatments.
1. Behavioral therapies: these are generally used in combination with medications to treat a number of sleep disorders such as insomnia. These therapies are to be inculcated in our daily routine and practiced everyday. These are relaxation techniques from physiotherapy, exercise postures, massages etc
2. Sleep Hygiene: These are habits that one can develop to be practiced before sleep. Having hot water bath before sleep, using firm mattress and clean sheets and ways to make the sleep environment more conducive to sleep. Listening to some soft music, some light reading or even taking a glass of warm milk before bed can help. Different habits work for different people.
3. Stimulus Control Therapy: In some cases of sleep disorder, people start disassociating with the bed and the sleeping environment. They find sofa or an armchair a more comfortable place for sound sleep. Thus, in other words, the bedroom and the associated things act as a negative stimulus for sleep. In such cases, people are encouraged to overcome such feelings by the use of cognitive thinking. Using bed only for sleeping and not as a place of watching TV or eating is emphasized.
4. Over-the-Counter-Medicines (OTC): There are a number of OTC drugs available for the treatment of insomnia and other sleep related disorders. These medications are also used as pain killers or for cough and cold. These contain sedatives or suppressants that slow down the activity of the central nervous system. These may be a good choice for instant relief but should not be continued longer. Persons taking OTC medicines should not forget to mention their physician about the same as they can contain certain ingredients that may have an adverse effect.
5. Melatonin: Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland of the brain. This helps in maintaining the body clock and the sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin production normally decreases with age. Its supplement is available and is known to be a good choice for insomnia. However, a study shows that a week's use of melatonin has the same effect as continued for three months or so. Also, people who have a lower production of melatonin are known to have benefited with melatonin supplements. People with sufficient production of the hormone continue to have sleep problems despite use of melatonin.
6. Herbal medications: As the chemical combinations in the medicines are known to have adverse side effects on human beings, the trend of herbal medicines is growing. Valerian, kava kava, chamomile are certain herbs that are known to relax the body and reduce stress.
Sleep disorders can be very disturbing as it directly affects our performance whether at work or at school. Prolonged sleep problems can create havoc in one's daily life. Hence they must not be ignored. Treatments of sleeping disorders can vary, depending on the specific sleep disorder, but these are certainly helpful.
Both Sanjeevkumar & Cindy Heller are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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