If you decide to workout, it should not be because your friend invited you to do it or because it is just for the sake of working out. There are different workouts for different body types and this is what you should be aware of. It will depend on your body shape for each routine that you need to do. They have specific type of workouts which have the purpose of strengthening weak spots and toning all those flabby areas you have. Remember that you will still have class even if you sweat three times in a week. However you need to work out those muscles in the right places.
Shape #1: Wider at the bottom but the belly areas are slim.
This shape is sometimes called as spoon. You have full-bodied bottom. Obviously all you need is to tone your bottom and thigh areas. The most ideal exercise that you need to do is jumping jacks which will usually give you heart-pumping cardio. This is ideal because it does not have any resistance so you will not develop muscles where you already have enough. You can start by doing 3 sets of 25 then slowly increase to 3 sets of 100. You can add to this exercise the push-ups if you can with 3 sets of 10. This will add definition, shape and tone to your arms to get your proper proportion. The appropriate sports that you can do or join would be soccer or in-line skating. Playing this for 30 minutes will require your lower body segment to power up. This will make your thigh area and hips to be toned without adding any extra bulk.
Shape #2: Broad shoulders, slender legs.
This is the complete opposite of the spoon which is otherwise known as cone. You have broad or squared with wider width but you have got slender legs. For this you will need to tone your lower body segment. The ideal exercise for you then would be spinning, lunges and squatting with weights. Do spinning for 30 minutes. Lunges and squatting with weights can be done 3 sets of 10. This will strengthen your lower body segment. Do a lot of repetition with every weights about 3 pounds. By doing this you are making your back, shoulders and arms more toned but with no addition of volume. Tennis or golf is the ideal sports that you can engage to. Play this for about half an hour and you are already set.
Shape #3: Even proportion.
You are evenly proportioned but perhaps you have that prominent belly look. This is also known as the ruler shape. Other than that belly, you are already in good shape so all you need is to tone evenly as well. Running is the ideal exercise for you. This will keep your build lean. You can do this for about half an hour. Sit-ups can also do well for you to strengthen your abs and maybe even that prominent belly look. You can do these 3 sets of 20 if you can. The ideal sports that you can engage to will be volleyball and basketball. These sports will involve your whole body and you can do this for also half an hour. Reaching and stretching before the game will do wonders on your upper body segment.
Shape #4: Proportional, curvy chest and hips with narrow waistline.
You are still in good proportion despite that curve in your chest and hips. This shape is otherwise known as an hourglass because of the curves. Jumping rope is the appropriate exercise for you which will get you toned all over. You can start doing this with 50 rotations then slowly work it up until you reach about 250 to 300. Riding a stationary bike can do the trick too but do this only with light resistance to avoid adding more bulk to places where you don't exactly need them. Doing this for half an hour will just get you right. You can engage in swimming or dancing for that matter. Half an hour of this will get your entire body the toning it needs. It will work you out and it will build better endurance.
Whatever shape you are, you have to remember that exercising should be in the right direction. Otherwise you will end up developing the areas that you already have as an asset or under developing the areas which really need your attention. Do it right and exercise properly according to your body shape.
Different Women Body Types
Just as no two men are built alike, no two ideal training routines are alike. Different people benefit from different types of training. Using body type to narrow down the most beneficial movements is a good way to make the most of your particular body type, and make the most bodybuilding progress.
There are three kinds of body types. The first, mesomorph, is what you typically see on the professional bodybuilding stage. People with mesomorphic characteristics, or mesomorphs, have a solid muscle structure, are naturally strong, have thick muscle bellies, pleasing join tie-ins, and a long torso. Simple put, they look like bodybuilders. The second type is ectomorph. Ectomorphs often look like basketball players - they have long arms and legs, short torsos, narrow shoulders, and carry low body fat levels. The third type is endomorphic. Endomorphs are the stereotypical "fat kid" look - wide hips, short arms and legs, and tend to carry high levels of body fat. Intelligent bodybuilders realize that individuals with differing body structures will benefit from differing training routines.
Mesomorphic Training
Since adding piles of muscle tends to come easier to mesomorphs, they should concentrate upon movements which add quality or finish to their physiques. A base of compound movements is necessary, of course, but the rate at which they grow dictates the need to shape the muscles to maintain the best aesthetic look. For bodybuilding judges, an asymmetrical mesomorph is very hard on the eyes.
Ectomorphic Training
Since the primary goal of the skinny ectomorph is to gain weight, training should include mostly compound power movements. Squats, bench press, deadlifts, and rows stimulate overall growth in a way that isolation movements do not. Heavy weights and low reps should be used, and sets should be limited to 12 to 16 per workout. Ectomorphs tend to overtrain. Cardio should be kept to a minimum, as ecotmorphs already tend to be too active to gain muscle.
Endomorphic Training
Typically, endomorphs are able to add muscle fairly easily. However, body fat is easily gained as well. High rep training - in the 12 to 20 range - is most effective for endomorphs. Cardio should be done routinely to keep body fat levels in check.
Ascertaining your own body type might be hard on the ego. After all, everybody wants to be a mesomorph. However, an honest analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your physique will allow you to customize training based upon body type to make the best bodybuilding gains possible.
Both Jim Brown & Dane Fletcher are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Dane Fletcher has sinced written about articles on various topics from Detoxification, Body Building and Health. Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more. Dane Fletcher's top article generates over 301000 views. Bookmark Dane Fletcher to your Favourites.
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