Vitamin C also known as Ascorbic Acid is a water-soluble, antioxidant vitamin. It is important for the development of collagen. Collagen is a protein that gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Collagen has many benefits, supports a range of the body's structures and is necessary to the formation of bones and teeth
Humans, unlike most other animals, do not generate their own vitamin C, and they need to take it through foods sources which are rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin is measured a cure-all for a lot of diseases and problems - from cancer to common cold.
Benefits of Vitamin C
1) Vitamin C in addition to avoiding Scurvy, it has been shown to diminish the length of colds and to lighten their severity. It does not, however, avoids colds or modifies their frequency. Vitamin C may help prevent lead poisoning, and some scientists suppose it can be used in the treatment of cancer.
2) Vitamin C serves a predominantly defensive position in the body.
3) It is a great antioxidant and helps defend the body against pollutants
4) It helps in the prevention of blood clotting and bruising, and strengthening the walls of the capillaries
5) Vitamin C helps in the prevention of degenerative diseases - such as cataracts, certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
6) Ascorbic acid promotes healthy cell growth, proper calcium absorption, normal tissue growth and restore - like healing of wounds and burns.
7) Vitamin C is required for healthy gums, to help defend against infection, helps decrease cholesterol level, high blood pressure and avoids arteriosclerosis.
What can happen with the Vitamin C Deficiency?
Vitamin C Deficiency result in hemorrhages under the skin and a tendency to bruise effortlessly, poor wound healing, weakness, poor digestion, bleeding gums and loose teeth.
Low levels of vitamin C have been related with a number of conditions including hypertension, gallbladder disease, stroke and some cancers.
Edema (also called water retention) also takes place due to a Vitamin C deficiency, along with aching joints, bronchial infection and colds.
Vitamin C Dosage
The average (recommended dietary allowance) RDA is 60-80mg, per day.
For young people it is 80 mg, 75 mg for adults, 100 mg during pregnancy and 150 mg during lactation. Men should take more vitamin C than women and persons who smoke cigarettes are encouraged to consume 35-40 mg more vitamin C than average adults. This is because smoking reduces vitamin C levels in the body and is a catalyst for organic processes, which damage cells.
Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin C
Symptoms of scurvy, the vitamin C deficiency disease include -
1)Bleeding gums (also called gingivitis) and skin discoloration
2)Poor healing of wound.
3)Poor immune function, including susceptibility to cold and other infections.
Vitamin C Sources
Consuming the number of foods that contain vitamin C is the most excellent mode to get the required amount of Vitamin C each day. Healthy persons who eat a balanced diet do not need any Vitamin C supplements.
Amla (Indian gooseberry) is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, whether fresh or the dried or in powdered form.
Some of the good sources of vitamin C are oranges, kiwi fruit, mango, broccoli olives, guava, green peppers, watermelon, papaya, strawberry, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, and citrus juices or juices equipped with Vitamin C.
Raw and cooked green leafy vegetables, peppers, fresh tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple are also rich sources of Vitamin C.
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mangetout, red peppers, chilies, watercress, parsley, blackcurrants are also rich sources of Vitamin C.
How to retain vitamin C
To avoid loss of vitamin C:
&bullServe fruits and vegetables raw as far as possible.
&bullSteam, boil, or cook foods in a very minute amount of water
&bullStore prepared juices in Refrigerator, but no more than two to three days.
&bullStore cut and raw fruits, vegetables in an airtight container and refrigerate - do not store in water because Vitamin C is water soluble and gets dissolved in the water.
Eating foods rich in Vitamin C in their fresh, raw form is the finest way to maximize intake of vitamin C.
Vitamin C Overdose
Vitamin C overdose of may result in diarrhea, lip swelling, and in very severe cases difficulty in breathing.
Vitamin C overdose causes stomachaches with a lot of side effects such as stomach pain and nausea.
Vitamin C Overdoes can also result in stomach cramps, skin rashes, and too much urination.
Vitamin C overdose should be avoided and must be avoided particularly by people with iron excess diseases such as Hemochromatosis.
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