Dog beds provide one purpose and that one function is to bring a comfortable spot for our pets to rest. Dogs need about 14 - 16 hours of rest a day. Essentially, it is fortunate that there are quite a few types of dog beds to select from. Luxury bedding is for the pet owner who is aware of how the dog bed will appear in their home. An air filled dog bed provides pet owners a long lastinglonger lasting product which is also a cleaner version of the usual type dog beds found at Wal-Mart or Target.
Most dog owners would like to have the ideal dog bed for their pet. Usually, this means that the perfect dog bed will be sturdy, washable, and comfortable. Most dog bedding deceives pet owners by saying the dog bed is washable when in fact, the cover is washable and the pillow is not. Therefore it is important to find a dog bed in which both the case and the pillow can be washed if it is required. Both of the two types of bedding are good choices that fulfill all of these wanted bedding features.
Luxury bedding is bedding that is of higher comfort, style and better quality. Luxury bedding can be found on the internet or in retail stores. Luxury bedding may be heated, orthopedic, or contained in furniture. Heated bedding is wonderful for pet owners' dogs that remain outside during in cold weather. Orthopedic dog bedding is wonderful for pets that need additional support for achy joints. One of the latest trends is the dog bed that is contained in furniture. This type of dog bed allows you to fold it back into the furniture as if it where never there. Luxury bedding offers pet owners additional options that they would not typically have if purchasing their pet's dog bed at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.
A new trend among pet owners is the dog filled air bed. This type of dog bedding has quite a few rewards for both the pet owner and the pet. Some pet owners may have their pets outside in which they are exposed to fleas and ticks. Non-air filled dog bedding provides fleas and ticks lots of space to hide while the air bed does not. The dog filled air bed also limits allergens for pet owners as the cover is easy to wash and allergens can not go any further than the cover. Aside from its cleanliness, the dog filled air bed is also moveable. If you are traveling out of town or even to the lake, you can rest assure that your dog will be able to rest in comfort as this bed is deflateable.
Just remember to purchase a dog bed that is well suited for your pet in relation to size and health. Both factors are important to the health of your pet.
Dog Beds On Sale
If you have a large dog, you may want to consider looking at a waterproof dog bed as a way to keep the bed from absorbing water from his coat. Often, the dog will go out in the rain or snow and will get wet and will come in with a soaking wet coat and get the dog bed soaking wet with water from his coat. This can result in the dog bed getting mold in it. This is not only unhealthy for your dog, but also for your home. Large dogs can be just as comfortable in water proof dog beds.
Puppies often have accidents when they are first training. They may accidentally urinate on their dog bed. This is another reason to use waterproof dog beds as they will not absorb the urine. Waterproof dog beds repel any liquids and are easy to keep clean. This will prevent your house from smelling as well as prevent your dog from using the bed again in this manner. Dogs rely very heavily on a sense of smell and will often urinate in the same spot over and over again based on this sense.
You can buy waterproof dog beds in all different sizes to fit your dog. They also come in several different colours. When you are buying a waterproof dog bed, you should look for those that will fit your dog when he is an adult. Many people rush out and buy dog beds for puppies, based on the size of the puppy. A puppy will grow at an accelerated rate and is usually full grown by the time he is a year old. You should look for a dog bed that will fit your dog when fully grown, rather than just when he is a puppy.
Waterproof dog beds are easy to clean which is why they are so appealing. They can repel water and any liquids easily and do not get the odor and mold that other dog beds can carry. As a result, a waterproof dog bed will last a lot longer than regular dog bed. Keeping the bed clean is one of the primary concerns you should have when you are buying a dog bed for your dog or dogs.
You can purchase dog beds online. This gives you a better opportunity to see what is out there and you are not limited by way of selection. Also, you will find that you can get a better deal when you shop online by way of price. Instead of being confined to the dog beds that are offered at the local pet store, you can choose from dozens of different styles, colors and sizes when you shop online.
Both Dan Roberts & Vikram Kuamr are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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