Your pet can obtain the great nutrition it needs from Flint River Ranch dog food, which is a quality god food. It is as good as giving your dog homemade food. Today, most of the pets are given food and dog-treats on a regular basis, and hence are not starving for food, but instead, they are not getting enough nutrition.
It is the equivalent of starvation if a dog's meals are insufficiently nourishing or if they are indigestible so that the dog's body cannot absorb and make use of the important nutrients in them. Here are a few signals that your canine is nutritionally deprived: eating feces, eating trash, constantly begging at the table, never satisfied after eating, always on the lookout for more food.
Many pet owners are disgusted and cannot understand why their pets eat stool. However, their pets know something they do not, stool actually provides an additional source of nutrition, something your pet is instinctively looking for when they consume feces, vomit, etc. Stool consumption is just one sign that your pet is nutritionally imbalanced; of course, they may be other signs and health problems. For example, a thyroid problem may cause a deficit in iodine in your pet, a mineral that helps regulate the thyroid.
Nutrition is fuel for the body and unless the body has a nutritional fuel tank that is filled up at every meal, then the body will always be like a car running on empty. It has been said that 90% of health problems begin as a result of poor nutrition or a lack of nutrition at some point in the life of the pet whether it be in adulthood or puppy-hood.
If we stop for a second, pause and then observe just how many dogs are sick in today's world and how many veterinarian clinics there are in every town and city, then we might begin to question the quality of nutrition our pets are getting from commercial pet foods.
Feeding a wholesome raw meat diet makes sense because it is not focused on the word "raw" but on the word "wholesome". Nobody can deny that our dogs, just as we humans, need wholesome foods for good health which also serves as dog treats.
Many dog owners believe that commercial dog foods provide a balanced and complete diet for their beloved pets. Considering however the diet a canine consumes in the wild, we are able to see what really should be a complete and balanced diet for our dogs. Dog treats from the same balanced diet are not a necessity, but it is vital to provide your dog with a complete diet such as Flint River dog food in order for your dog to thrive.
Dog Treats And Chews
Nothing gives more satisfaction than rewarding our dogs when they do something right. Whether its mastering a new trick or simply giving us unconditional love, we want to treat them to something delicious. Its important to remember though, that one of the most delicious things we love, chocolate, is dangerous to our pets.
We love our pets. And they love us. But we must be careful that we treat them to the best there is . . . not to what would be best for us. We have a lot in common with our doggies, but we cannot forget that they are a different species.
Chocolate is not great for our own health, but for our best friends? health, it can be detrimental!
Theobromine is a main ingredient in chocolate and it can be fatal to our dogs. The following article from healthy pet . com explains why the theobromine is so unhealthy to our pets.
?Give chocolate to loved ones, and you could end up poisoning them. That is, if the loved ones are your pets.
Even small amounts of theobromine, an ingredient in chocolate, can cause vomiting and restlessness in pets. Larger doses can be fatal. While most pet owners expect a dog to develop an upset stomach after eating a large amount of chocolate, few realize its toxic potential.
The lethal dose of theobromine depends on the size of the dog and the type of chocolate. Ounce for ounce, baking chocolate has six to nine times as much of the substance as milk chocolate does.
Estimates of the smallest amounts that can be fatal are:
4 to 10 ounces of milk chocolate or 1/2 to 1 ounce of baking chocolate for small dogs, such as Chihuahuas and toy poodles.
1 to 1 1/2 pounds of milk chocolate or 2 to 3 ounces of baking chocolate for medium-sized dogs, like cocker spaniels and dachshunds.
2 to 4 1/2 pounds of milk chocolate or 4 to 8 ounces of baking chocolate for large dogs, including collies and Labrador retrievers.
Cats have much different eating habits and seldom are poisoned by chocolate.
While a very small amount of chocolate may not harm some dogs, it's safest to avoid giving it to them at all. If an accident occurs, a veterinarian should be consulted. Treatment may require inducing vomiting, stabilizing the animal's heartbeat and respiration, controlling seizures and slowing the absorption of theobromine. If the animal already is comatose, its stomach may need to be pumped.?
There are lots of other options for giving our dogs delicious treats. They should not have human chocolate, but there are lots of treats available that are human-grade and delicious to our canine friends.
Dogs require protein, and because protein can't be stored in their body, they need a new supply every day. Chicken is an ideal source of protein because it is lower in calories, fats and saturated fats than most other meats.
Chicken is extremely dense in nutrients, including protein, zinc, iron, phosphorous, riboflavin, thiamin and niacin.
Chicken contains significant quantities of many minerals, including iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorous.
Duck is a great treat for dogs because it offers an alternative protein source and has the same healthy properties as chicken; therefore, it is great for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Our duck treats are highly palatable and easy to digest.
Both Brigitte Smith & Lisa Andrews are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Brigitte Smith has sinced written about articles on various topics from Dogs, Wedding Bells and Dog Pet Food. Your pet can obtain the great nutrition it needs from Flint River Ranch dog food, which is a quality god food. It is as good as giving your dog some. Brigitte Smith's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Brigitte Smith to your Favourites.
Lisa Andrews has sinced written about articles on various topics from Dog Care, Dogs and Home Improvement. Lisa M Andrews is a dog treatsexpert. She loves spending time with her 3 dogs and assisting dog lovers with finding the right dog treats for their pets' needs.. Lisa Andrews's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Lisa Andrews to your Favourites.
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