You should be paying at least $500 for a real Dolce and Gabbana handbag, though costs usually reach $1000 and up. If a Dolce and Gabbana handbag costs less than a $100, then it's most probably fake. Unfortunately not many of us can afford the real designer bag, so in a way fake bags can be a good pick. The only downside is that the quality suffers.
Suppliers may intentionally or accidentally misspell the designer insignia on a fake Dolce and Gabbana handbag. The font could be corrupted, too. A genuine Dolce and Gabbana handbag always has a perfect insignia on its leather, metal rings, handles and zippers. If you already own a Dolce and Gabbana handbag, try to spot whether the insignia is still there. If the insignia has torn off within just a few months after purchase then the bag itself was a fake.
Fabric and accessories
An authentic Dolce and Gabbana handbag consists of authentic leather. If the leather appears polished and flat then it is a replica. Authentic leather does not chip. You might also want to double check for crudeness in metalwork, roughness in the handles and defectiveness in zippers. Only the finest textiles and embellishments are used in a genuine Dolce and Gabbana handbag.
Test if the designer handbag is able to sit properly. The bag should not cave in under its weight, and the weight should be just right for its size too. Outside and inside pockets should not look like they were slapped on to the bag, instead, it should be neatly stitched. The inner lining should not be so thin that the things you put inside the bag can easily puncture through it.
Threadwork must not be out of place, coming off or messy. Regardless if the threadwork is inside or outside a genuine Dolce and Gabbana handbag, it is always clean looking.
Color Combination
Check that the zipper and threads used in a handbag does not have colors that go against each other. This characteristic is found only in fake bags. Suppliers like to use tan stitches because they look neutral on almost any color and they can save on thread, too. Still, tan-colored threads can look very bad on brighter colors. An authentic Dolce and Gabbana handbag uses a more pleasing palette.
Colored, textured or logo decorations on the handbag should not eclipse each other or become obstructed by the seams. It can be easily spotted when an illustration is skewed or placed carelessly.
Some suppliers place a fake Dolce and Gabbana handbag in the market, claim it's real and then sell it for $1,000. If you don't want to be fooled, remember the guidelines in this article.
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