Drawing is rarely a skill, obviously if you are a born talent and drawing is in your blood like Da Vinci or Banksy then there is nothing to really be taught. But not being able to draw is just a saying, or ignorance by a person who has not actually been taught. If you put a human mind to any task, it will eventually learn to pick up the traits to that solution. Art is a form of mechanics, your first attempt will probably fail abysmally, but that's not to say that you such give up.
Drawing is a skill, vision is natural. You will always be able to draw, but the difference between someone that can draw and someone that can perform art is all in the vision. The likes of Banksy and many over artists all have the vision, which is why they are one of the finest artists around. But it only takes a little education of art, for you to become a confident drawer.
We will now look at a few solutions that you can perform, to make you a confident artist. There are a variety of ways in which you can use to brush up on your drawing skills, the first and most obvious being to join an art class. This has a downside to it, especially for beginners, as they do not feel confident enough to show there drawings in front of the public. To build up your confidence and self of steam, I would grab yourself some books or DVDs. In this collection of resources you will be able to carefully study the fine art of drawing, and get step by step guides on how you can improve your technique.
When you have built up your confidence, you should then join a variety of classes. This way you will not only have a tutor teaching you the ins and outs, but you will also be able to socialise with other artists.
Everybody has the ability and agility to draw, if you open up your mind and do not be discouraged by failures, then you will be able to pick up a pencil and draw whatever your heart desires.
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