In my experience, however, generating high numbers of visitors to your website starts from the inside. In other words, "the truth about making money on the web" is NOT "out there." What you need is the mindset, and working practices, that will get you to where you want to be: the proud owner of profitable websites attracting high volumes of visitors. After all, no visitors equals no sales equals no income, right?
So the first step you need to take is: Make A Plan.
This may seem obvious to some people running any type of offline business, and yet people who decide they want to have an online business to earn some extra money often neglect this extremely important first step! What happens is they keep purchasing "get visitors quick" schemes and buy into the promises of overnight success and then can't understand why nothing is coming their way as promised. It sounds corny, but If you fail to plan - you're planning to fail!
Second, a key "inside" skill is -take action. Let me give an example. Sally-Anne is an extremely competent, business school educated entrepreneur who is creative and imaginative. She comes up with great ideas but - stay with me - they stay locked up in her head and she never does anything about them. Ben, on the other hand, is a very ordinary guy doing a 9-5 job in an assembly plant. But here's the thing - Ben spends two hours every evening working on his plan and putting it into action. He's committed, and diligent. Believe me, Ben is going to get lots of visitors to his website - and convert them into paying customers - while Sally Anne is still dreaming.
Next, successful web marketing is achieved by focusing on being focused. Take Bill. He's made a plan, and he's taking action. But as he goes about the daily actions required by his plan, he gets derailed by all the emails and websites he comes across that promise easy riches, and always ends up "just having a quick look".
That "quick look" can often result in a total loss of focus on what he is supposed to be doing - which in turn results in less and less being achieved until finally he begins to believe he had the wrong plan in the first place. And so it goes on. Finnancial success WILL come to you, I promise, but only if you don't fall for the "Grass Is Greener On The Other Side of The Fence" illusion, but focus instead on taking consistent, small, daily actions towards your goal.
And, don't get distracted. Some people never seems to have time to complete all the tasks they have in their plan that require consistent action! Why Not? Because f the distractions that sneak up on them.
Take Sara, for instance. She's organised, plans ahead, and posts to a forum that specialises in her niche. Unfortunately, she can't resist catching up on other people's posts and - the precious time she had set aside for her web income work has evaporated. Fifth - keep it going. Never give up. Don't suffer the fate of many who taste success and revel in it for a short time, only to finish up right back where they started. Let me tell you about Donald (I've changed his name to spare him embarrassment). Donald produced a terrific keep fit product. It was extremely well written and supported by downloadable videos and MP3 recordings. For a while this product made him a lot of money. Unfortunately, Donald stopped there. He didn't take time to develop another source of income that would kick in when (inevitably) sales of his fitness product began to tail off. When I was a management consultant I used to explain to clients how they need to remember that their products had a life cycle, and every "Cash Cow" needed to be replaced with a "Rising Star" product.
Finally - consider outsourcing. If you've started on your plan and are taking action, you will have realised something that will hit you as you start to become more successful. There aren't enough hours in the day for you to do everything that you'd like to do!
Once you start placing real value on your time, you'll find that some things are just cheaper to get outsourced, leaving you free to spend more time doing what you do best! Why not consider getting your sales copy, maybe your websites, even your products, outsourced. You may well find that the time saved frees you up for the creative thinking needed for a successful business.
So remember - making money on the Internet is an inside job. Get your mindset right, and the rest will follow.
Earn Money On Web
It seems that the modern dream of making money without leaving the comfort of your home is now a reality - at least if the web 'gurus' are to be believed. Yet for a beginner the task surely seems daunting - where do you begin? Let's look at a few options.
1. Buying and selling. A well-established form of making money via any platform, buying and selling is one that merchants have used since the dawn of civilisation. Simply put, you source products to sell at a profit. How easy is that? Yet to build a successful merchant operation anywhere is a time-consuming and demanding occupation, requiring its own special skills and know-how. So how does it relate to the internet?
Many people would think that having an on-line shop is the answer - and it's true that it can be. For a beginner, however, there's a heck of a lot to learn and quite probably a fairly big investment in terms of stock and associated necessary add-ons - maybe premises, staff, accounting programs and the like. It would seem that a much easier way to get into on-line trading is to start up an account with eBay and 'sell what you got' in order to cut you teeth in the mercantile world.
Indeed, an eBay shop can be embedded within your own website, where other products (subject to some eBay restrictions) can also be sold. It's a great way of driving traffic to your website! An eBay shop lets you get maximum exposure with minimum effort and know-how and can be a great proving-ground wherein to hone your business skills. But what if you don't want to be a merchant in the traditional sense? Well, another option may be -
2. Affiliate Programs. I've lost count of the number of articles I've read about being a web affiliate. It seems that just about every major player on the internet offers their own program these days so tailoring a package to suit your website shouldn't be too difficult and yes, this is an easy way to make some money via the web - especially if you also sign up for Google AdSense to further monetise your website.
Of course, you don't even really need a website to make money through affiliate work. Companies such as Clickbank let a beginner get into the game with even a one-page 'minisite', the only requirement of which is as a re-direct for affiliate links. It's so easy even I can do it! If a beginner is a competent article writer, or has the ability to become one, this can become a nice part-time income stream - so this is definitely an area where the newbie can score! That brings me to a third point, which is -
3. Information re-packaging. The explosion of informational products, especially e-books, has created a whole new raft of opportunities for anyone involved in internet marketing and it's one where any newcomer with an inquiring mind can make an impact.
The popularity of this kind of product stems from the fact that people use the web to find information. Have you tried doing that recently? It's like opening the lid of Pandora's box. Enter anything but the most tightly focused search and you get literally deluged with results. Result? Most people simply give up, opening the door for writers who can identify what people search for - and provide the answers. This is a mine so deep it's hard to see a bottom to it and it's definitely an area where any intelligent newcomer to internet marketing can make their mark.
It would seem, however, that the real trick for any newcomer to making money on the internet, whether it be by article marketing, viral marketing or buy-and-sell techniques is to thoroughly investigate several marketing avenues, settle on one they feel most comfortable with and do everything they can to master it before moving on to encompass further techniques. One of the greatest dangers that newcomers seem to fall prey to is 'input-overload' and this can be a major factor to disillusionment where internet business is concerned
So - to summarise, it would seem that the answer to the question posed by this article is - yes. There is room and opportunity for newcomers to internet business, providing that they don't succumb to the kid-in-a-candystore syndrome. Identify what you want to do and do it and remember -anyone can be a jack-of-all-trades but to succeed you simply must be the master of what you do!
Both James Gladwin & Steve Dempster are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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