The first step in pursuing higher education is usually getting a bachelors degree which gives students some basic knowledge and also allows them to concentrate on a specific subject or field they are interested in. It is possible to quickly get an online bachelor degree which gives you the knowledge that you will need but allows you to study at your own convenience.
In the work course of an online bachelor degree, the students are given suitable study materials they can study at their chosen time schedule. A bachelor degree familiarizes the student in a specific field, like in a business degree it is accompanied with a major in marketing, management, accounting, etc.
The specialized field is focused on longer than others in the program and lets the student identify more clearly their chosen path of employment and career. While bachelor degrees are usually obtained from traditional schools across the globe, lots of attention is being paid in recent years to distant learning from home, in particular to the online bachelor degree programs.
A majority of the online-based degree programs provide pupils with the ability to fulfill the requirements for a variety of university degrees, solely through online classes. These programs provide options ranging throughout the university levels, have their full accreditation, and can be done solely online.
An online bachelor degree from various universities can be acquired worldwide conveniently. At a shorter span of time and lesser cost, a student of an online bachelor degree can acquire the same qualifications in his selected field as his campus counterpart.
Traditional institutions have also taken advantage of the benefits distance classrooms and remote learning can provide. Enrollment is booming as such schools manage to attract those they formerly lost to expense, locale issues, or time problems. Although you lose out on the "traditional experience" there are alternative benefits to be obtained from an online bachelors degree. The student increases available jobs, instantly improves a resume, and opens opportunities that would have been impossible otherwise.
Nowadays with distance learning facilities provided by a large number of universities cross continental borders is no longer a constraint. Distance learning bachelor degree can be obtained from a foreign country using online facilities. These students hope that they will get jobs in these countries whose online degree was got by them and also live in that country.
Earn Online Bachelor Degree
There are more and more colleges and universities offering online BS degrees these days, and it is certainly an excellent way to further your education under the right circumstances. The caveat "let the buyer beware," however, should certainly be kept in mind when you begin researching schools and degree programs.
At first glance, almost all colleges and universities offering an online BS degree look good. Professional looking websites, enticing descriptions and attractive prices can all combine to dazzle you if you don't look beyond the surface. There are many excellent online BS degree programs, but there are also some online universities that are simply "diploma mills," churning out worthless pieces of paper for an attractive price tag.
Spotting Diploma Mills and Fake Online BS Degrees
To weed out the universities or colleges that are simply a front for pedaling worthless diplomas, ask yourself some honest questions and take the time to thoroughly check out all details listed on any school's website. Things to take into consideration included:
The school should be accredited and find out by whom. While a school may tout being properly accredited, not all accrediting agencies are equal. Be sure you check with the Department of Education, which has a list of approved accrediting agencies available.
Make sure you are actually taking courses from qualified professors and instructors. The quality of the teaching is a reflection of the value of the degree. If you are working toward on online BS degree in specific discipline, the courses should be taught, supervised and graded by experts in that area. Call the school and ask to talk to one of the instructors; if this can't be done, think twice about the school.
Find out if there is an actual campus somewhere for the school. While there are good schools that are purely online, the best ones tend to be backed by a more traditional bricks and mortar campus. In fact, employers prefer online BS degrees that are affiliated with a more traditional campus as well. One reason is that the curriculum is guaranteed to be challenging, since it is nearly always the same one used at the physical campus.
Research if you can be offered "life experience" credit toward your online BS degree. If so, find out how is it evaluated. At first glance life experience credit sounds wonderful, you'll get credit for what you've learned through working, travel or other experiences. If a school offers limited credit for something like mastering a foreign language because you're already fluent or credit for basic accounting if you've been a bookkeeper for ten years, this is a fine way to shave some classes off your schedule. Generally you will need to take an exam, interview with an instructor, prepare a portfolio and provide references to qualify for life experience credit.
If a school offers life experience credit for almost anything, however, be cautious. Most employers won't think much of a degree where you got life credit for babysitting or simply for being employed. If you can buy life experience credits for almost every course, your online BS degree will be worthless because you haven't learned anything new.
Check to see if you are guaranteed acceptance and a degree before you even apply. If you don't have to wait to hear whether you've been accepted, and get your degree immediately (based entirely on the "life experience" mentioned above), then you're not getting an online BS degree. You're buying a fake diploma. Check out the website named geteducated, where you can check to see if your college or university is considered a diploma mill.
If you can avoid the diploma mills you can get a quality education and a respected online BS degree that will move you ahead in your career. Simply keep the above guidelines in mind while you look for the right online college or university for you.
Both Sheila Danzig & Andy West are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Sheila Danzig has sinced written about articles on various topics from Education, Online College and Distance Learning. If you get your undergraduate diploma online, you will have the academic credentials you need, and you can get them on your own schedule. The material that is provided to the student should be suitable for and time schedule the student has planned for stu. Sheila Danzig's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Sheila Danzig to your Favourites.
Andy West has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hypnotherapy, College Education and Bail Bonds. Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Online BS Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at. Andy West's top article generates over 1830000 views. Bookmark Andy West to your Favourites.
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