Have you enviously watched as perfume sells at $50 dollars a bottle and more? It is pretty obvious to everyone out there that the markup on perfume and colognes is huge. People are often paying one to two dollars for an ounce of the stuff. For some entrepreneurial types this gets their mind ticking. Really making perfume is not rocket science. Once you have a kit assembled and the basic skills down it is very easy to produce wonderful smelling perfumes that will sell like crazy. This can make a great second job and provide a nice supplemental income.
To get started making perfume you will need a perfume making kit. You can buy this from many different stores pre-assembled if you prefer. They typically run around $50 dollars per kit. However if you are trying to get started and want to save your money then you can easily make your own perfume making kit. It is really quite simple and can save you $50 bucks.
Perfumes are made of water, a little alcohol and essential oils. The person can go to the store and smell the scents to find out which ones are the best to get and then bring it home.
Aside from the liquids, the individual will also need some medicine droppers and roller bottles to contain it. The last thing to complete the perfume kit is the bag.
The person can use an old handbag or a small box to store everything, which is also easy to carry. This will allow the hobbyist to bring all the materials to class and learn the different types of perfumes that are worth making and saleable in the market.
The individual will notice later on that some of the essential oils used in making perfumes are also the same ones being used for aromatherapy. In fact, lavender, which is both a top and a bridge note, is effective in treating anxiety and stress.
In time, the person will be able to learn the different types of perfumes and how to make each one. There are different scents that other companies have not yet even thought about which will be great to experiment on.
The individual must remember that each product must be stored in a cobalt blue or amber glass bottle because the contents will be damaged should these be exposed to sunlight.
Those who feel ready to turn this thing into a business will need more than just a perfume kit. The individual will need more space to stock up on the essential oils and the other materials to make this in vast numbers.
One way to check if the perfume is just right is to give samples to friends and family members. The comments these people give can provide insight on what areas to improve on before the entrepreneur decides either to sell this straight or supply this to someone else.
Another way to make money if there is not enough capital yet will be to make homemade perfume kits and then sell these to someone else or online. Surely, it won't cost that much to make as long as the person knows some cheap suppliers so enough profit can be made to eventually start selling the perfumes.
The best way to start will be to give the homemade perfume kit to friends and family members as gifts. These people may also be interested in learning the secrets of perfume making or even partner up to start the businesses.
Who knows having your own perfume kit might be the start of something big. Or it might just be the start of a really fun past time. There are many people out there that enjoy making perfume and are making a decent second income on the side.
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