You have no computer to check calories, no books to help you, how would you do? What I am asking is have you learnt anything about your eating habits since starting your diet.
I want you to devise yourself a menu of foods you want to eat. Please note: it is what you want to eat not what you think you should eat.
If you want fast food for each meal then fine, jot it down in your journal, remember be true to yourself. This diet works when you make the choices because you want to make them not because someone is telling you to do it.
The day will come when you have no computer to hand and maybe no healthy food around either. People will go and visit friends, or go on holiday, how will you cope?
The time to make those sorts of plans is before they happen. When they happen they don’t take you be surprise because you know enough to make good choices to keep fit and healthy even if the only food around you is fast food for one day. An odd day of eating a few too many calories will not hurt, it becomes when a problem when it becomes a habit.
What food do you have a problem with? It can only be one item of food because as we have seen we take it one step at a time. Once you have dealt with one piece of food, then you can return and tackle the next piece of food.
Make yourself write down what this food is and then tell someone (even if it is in your journal) every time you eat it. This exercise isn’t to stop you eating it, but firstly to realise how often you eat it, and then to control how much you eat of it.
If you are eating burgers three times a day, then you will know that is not good for you. If you look at your journal and see it then you will think, hey today I only ate one. That is a big achievement, and the week that you only ate 2 can you imagine how you will feel. See the self esteem rising, as you controlled this one food. The great thing is once you see yourself doing it for one food, then you can do it for all food.
There will be nothing to stop you moving on to eating healthily and to eat foods you really enjoy and love without any feeling of regret.
Eat What You Want
How would you like to become that skinny person who says “I eat all day long and never gain a pound.”?
It's true that for some people, that way of life is so natural that they never even realized that they were doing anything right. We ask them their secrets and ultimately we chalk it up to the mystery of a “great metabolism,” and wish that we had one too.
It's not a mystery.
The truth is that anyone can maximize their metabolism not just personal trainers if they just learn to eat like a skinny person. We're not talking about a lifelong sentence of salads and carrot sticks. We're talking about eating little meals all day long.
From a health standpoint, one of the worst things that happened to us as a society was the advent of the three meal day that came with industrialization. The problem with eating three times a day (or fewer for some of us), is that it allows too much time to pass between meals. We let ourselves get too hungry, and then eat to overcome that sensation.
We are just innocently eating the way we were taught. Meanwhile, we are sending signals to our bodies that are not so innocent. We get overly hungry and that tells our body that there is a shortage of food; it's time to store fat just in case. Then, we get so hungry, we eat more calories in one sitting than our body can process. Our bodies can't discern how much to feed itself. It just knows that it can't process it all and dumps everything we've eaten to fat storage as well.
The key is to eat five, small meals throughout the day to avoid the valleys and peaks of hunger and fullness (see Live's sample nutrition plan). By providing enough calories for your metabolism to burn at a steady rate throughout the day, you are telling your body that there will always be enough food for it to burn at a higher rate and feed off of the stored fat in your body as well as the food you consume. When you combine this eating plan with exercise, you will be able to raise your metabolism even further, making you that skinny person who eats all day and never gains a pound.
Both Tim Logan & Charles Carter are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Tim Logan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Food and Drink, Nutrition and Children. Tim is the owner on an online supplement store, Scottsdale Nutrition Supply, he enjoys writing articles that are informative to everybody that maybe. Tim Logan's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Tim Logan to your Favourites.
Charles Carter has sinced written about articles on various topics from Skin Care, Aging Problems and Fitness. Find the best prices on the new products like Zylene and. Charles Carter's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Charles Carter to your Favourites.
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