Sara Brown is one of the UK's top Internet Marketers. She runs a variety of websites which can all be accessed from If you want to know more read her About Me page on eBay or subscribe to her newsletter through her websites.
In Sara Brown's latest ebooks she explains how to launch and profit from what she calls 'mini-launches.' These mini-launches earn Sara a consistent monthly income without fail. The idea for this ebook was originally spawned when Sara placed the following banner ad on a website "Sara Brown wants YOUR help. If you could ask Sara just one thing about her business success what would it be? Email HERE" (the last part was a clickable link to Sara's email obviously). From here replies Sara discovered that buyers wanted to know how she earns her living on the Internet, with real examples, explained in a way so that anyone can do it. As a result of these queries Sara decided to reveal the secrets behind 'mini-launches', one of her many income streams. In her own words Sara says "This is the method I would use to quit my job if I were still at the stage of being a 9-5 employee." Inside Sara Brown's Mini Launches she reveals:
How mini-launches bring her thousands of dollars a month!!
How to set up a mini-launch in a single day!!
Why you don't have to worry about creating your own product!!
Where to get products that most people aren't aware of!!
Her secret method of selling products online!!
Sara begins her ebook by explaining how she finds the majority of Internet Marketing sites "as enlightening as shoving your head into a sack of soot." Sara then goes on to explain that she has a reputation for telling people exactly how she earns her income. Mini Launches are one of her many income streams which she will be explaining to you inside Sara Brown's Mini Launches.
The next chapter is entitled "How to make Big Profits from Small Cost Items." She begins the chapter with a screenshot of one of the recent offers she put out. This offer was 250 quality Internet Marketing videos with resell rights for $4 and it brought her a couple of thousand dollars. Sara then explains that this offer didn't take her very long to put together at all, and then all had to do was mail it to her list. However, she stresses you do not need a mailing list to conduct your very own mini launch. Sara then outlines her first tip for your own mini-launch - keep your costs down and follows this up with a money saving tip. This is the only real content of this chapter, as the rest is mainly just an example of Sara's video offer mini-launch. Overall, this chapter doesn't really contain any key information, although it is fairly introductory in its nature. It is interesting to see an example of one of Sara's mini-launches, but as a subscriber to her newsletter I have already seen this mini-launch and it doesn't actually teach me anything new. The money saving tip is also nothing new to me and I doubt it will be new to anyone who owns their own website.
Next Sara moves on to describe "Finding a Product." She describes the multiple ways you can go about finding a product, and her personal favourite product sourcing method for mini-launches. Sara also provides a very good tip for sourcing cheap products with very little research, one that I have begun to use myself. After explaining how to source your products, she then explains how to choose the right one for your mini-launch. To do this you first have to check that the product matches certain criteria (explained inside Sara Brown's Mini Launches) and then decide whether it is good enough for your very own mini-launch. Overall, this chapter is a very good way of obtaining products quickly and cheaply that you can sell on for a profit. However, I personally prefer to spend a little more time and/or money creating my own, unique product. I will probably use this method in the future but focus the majority of my efforts on getting my own products out there.
The next section covers "Repackaging your Product." This includes information such as how to find/create product licenses and how to create your sales page. Sara explains how she created sales pages for 3 of her mini-launches and how to create a PayPal button to accept payments. Finally, she covers pricing your product in her own unique way. Overall, I found the information on product licenses quite informative. However, the section on creating your sales page and accepting payments online is a little basic and would probably not be suitable for newbies. Sara simply states that if you don't know how to create or edit a sales page template then do some research. I feel a little extra information in this section would have been nice. However, the pricing structure Sara suggests is simple and logical, although many Internet Marketing experts are unlikely to agree.
Sara Brown's Mini Launches then moves on to describe "Distribution - Where do I find people to buy my product?" Sara begins the section by explaining how to build your mailing list. She then covers what to do to get traffic if you don't have a mailing list. Her methods include using eBay (but in a unique, creative way) and using forums. I personally know of, and use the promotional methods that Sara mentions, but it is unlikely that newbies will know of them. In particular, the eBay promotional technique will be particularly helpful to newbies. However, I feel that there are a lot more promotional methods Sara could have included in this section, including article marketing and your eBay About Me page, to name just a few. The section on list building is simple but informative, although I feel Sara could have included a few extra list building methods too.
Sara then wraps up her ebook with a flowchart. This flowchart serves as a good guide when conducting your own mini-launch and summarises all the points in nice, concise manner. Overall, Sara Brown's Mini Launches will definitely be most useful to those who do have a list. Although Sara states that you don't need a list to implement the ideas in Sara Brown's Mini Launches, having one makes it a lot easier and will also allow you to see returns on your mini-launch a lot quicker. Sara Brown's Mini Launches is also most useful for those who do not yet have their own product as it provides a quick, easy and low-cost way to acquire and sell a product for profit. Those with a product are likely to make more money promoting their own product. If you don't have a product or list and are relatively inexperienced selling online I would recommend Sara Brown's Mini Launches to you as it offers a relatively simple, low cost system, that does have the potential to make you money. However, more experienced Internet Marketers will probably be able to make more money using other methods.
Generally the information would be very useful for beginners.
A good way for people without a product and/or list to make money online.
The section on sourcing low price products quickly is a great idea which I will be implementing.
The flowchart at the end of the ebook summarises the entire 'mini-launch' process very effectively.
Despite what Sara says, the ideas are much easier to implement and profit from if you already have a list.
Although Sara makes a lot of good points, you feel she could expand on them further.
The sections on promotion and web design are very limited.
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