Eenie, Minie, Miny, Moe, catch a Tiger by the toe.
If he hollers, make him pay fifteen dollars every day!
My mama told me to choose this very one!
As you rattled off the rhyme, you touched each finger in turn. And at the end, you had made your fateful decision based on that logic (or lack thereof). Okay?not very scientific?.but it worked fine for choosing an ice cream flavor on a hot summer day when you were a kid!
Today you're a grown up affiliate marketer, faced with a much more important decision. You can choose from thousands of affiliate merchants and hundreds of thousands of affiliate products to promote. Are you still using that kiddy tactic for choosing affiliate products? Hmmm, maybe you need a more logical - and effective - method.
Here are some more logical ways to decide whether an affiliate program is worth promoting. Just follow these simple steps:
First, visit the merchant's website. Take your time and poke around in all the corners. Can you find products easily? Do all the links work? Is the return policy and guarantee stated clearly? All these little things have a huge impact on how well the site will convert.
Second, look at the site through the eyes of a prospective customer. If you can, buy the product and try it out for yourself. Check out the customer service system to be sure it works and that buyers will get prompt answers.
Third, look at the sales materials provided by the merchant. Does the merchant show EPC (Earnings Per Click) for each creative, and do the numbers sound appealing?
Fourth, read the commission structure and affiliate agreement. Note when and how often you will be paid for sales that you make or for leads that you provide.
Fifth, compare like products. You really don't want to represent an inferior product. So compare this product with others to see how it measures up. If YOU were going to buy the product, which would you choose? That's likey to be the one most people will choose - and the one that will probably convert the best.
Finally, visit forums and blogs that are related to the product. Find out what real people and real users of this product say about it. If you find too many complaints, keep looking!
If you follow these steps, you should soon become more confident in deciding which affiliate programs are worth testing for profitability ? as well as which have at least the POTENTIAL to make you the most money for the long haul.
In short, forget Eenie, Miney, Miny, Moe and do real research! Base your choice of affiliate marketing products on reality and logic, not just hype or blind chance.
Eenie Meenie Miny Moe
You can choose from:
1. A writing meditation - using either the dominant or non-dominant hand
2. Focussing on an object such as a candle
3. Repeating Mantras
4. A visually guided meditation
5. Through painting or sketching
6. Walking - anywhere
7. Through breath work
8. Body movement
9. Swimming
10. Listening to soothing music
To find one you're going to be happy with try and road test a few first.
Maybe you've already tried to meditate and found yourself even more frustrated than before you started.
Two comments I've heard in the past regarding meditation that really stand out for me are:
1. To meditate you must completely clear your mind and think nothing.
Yeah right. Personally this has never worked for me, nor have I observed this to work with newcomers. How can anyone new to this practise think nothing? Words as well as immediate issues arise, and mind chatter just keeps on keeping on. The good news is that you can learn to overcome this; it just takes some practise coupled with patience.
2. If you're stressed, meditate.
Speaking from experience, if I am pretty stressed out (which incidentally happens rarely) and I try to have a decent meditation session, it rarely works well for me. For a start I'm not adequately prepared eg, not in the present moment and still in problem solving mode. From my observation of others when they're stressed and try to meditate they become further frustrated because they're unable to stay focussed and get into the zone. The secret is to prepare yourself adequately first.
Find yourself a technique you know you'll enjoy so practising will be a positive experience. Alternatively find yourself a meditation group that has a good teacher. Not only will you learn to meditate, you might also form some great friendships that will last a lifetime.
Meditation is a discipline that can be learned through a step by step process, and once adept, you can use it for any number of reasons. Decide if your meditation is for relaxation; connection to spirit or self; to achieve clarity of mind; or to regain some inner strength.
My reasons for meditation are numerous. I meditate on purpose to receive answers to questions I might have. Before going into a meditative state I write down exactly what my question is, give it a timeline, and wait. Generally the answer is received during the session or shortly afterwards, depending of course on the timeline I gave.
I'll also meditate to access my creative self. After I've jotted down what my intention is I go into a meditative state with pen and paper handy. Generally what happens for me is that I start receiving ideas one after the after which I quickly jot down. I've written an entire workshop through one of these meditation sessions.
A great self healing tool, whenever I feel 'flat' I'll use colours, crystals, sound, and essential oils for my meditation sessions. After each session I am lighter, centred, balanced, and more focused.
So if you're now ready and keen to get started with some serious (or light hearted) meditation simply follow the 10 basic points listed below to help you on your way:
1. Decide where and when you want to meditate.
2. Get yourself ready by putting on soothing music and have your aromatherapy oil burning with your favourite oil blend. Activate the answering machine. Is there anything else you need?
3. You might like to have a journal and pen ready for some note taking at the end of your meditation with inspirations and insights that come to you.
4. Spend a little while settling into your space until you're happy with your comfort level. Are you too cold or hot or is the temperature just right?
5. Slowly begin breathing in and out, using your diaphragm muscles tuning into the rhythm of your breathing and the rise and fall of your chest.
6. You may wish to close your eyes at this point and enjoy this peaceful, relaxing moment, closing the door to the outside world for now.
7. If closing your eyes is not for you, focus on an object such as a candle (take extra care with any lit flame) or something similar.
8. If images or internal chatter starts to become frustrating, avoid suppressing them, instead name them, release them, and move on. If this persists, make a mental note that you will deal with it after your session. Refocus and continue.
9. When you're ready to come back, return wide awake and alert, wriggling your toes and touching your nose and have a really, really big stretch.
10. Use your journal to write any insights or inspirations you may have had during your journey, or simply enjoy the present moment with greater clarity and peace.
Welcome back! If you haven't tried meditation yet, why not give it a go? Add another 'life skill' to your resource toolkit and enjoy greater health and wellbeing!
Both Aniks & Lanita Desai are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Aniks has sinced written about articles on various topics from Recreation and Sports, web development and SEO linking. Written by the staff at Affiliate Classroom Magazine. The Affiliate Classroom was developed by Anik Singal, an expert on boosting your affiliate sales using the latest techniques, including blogging and Web 2.0. Watch this Free Video and see how he earned. Aniks's top article generates over 6600 views. Bookmark Aniks to your Favourites.
Lanita Desai has sinced written about articles on various topics from web development, Brain and Guided Meditation. The auther writes articles on different topics. To know more, visit meditation,. Lanita Desai's top article generates over 1000 views. Bookmark Lanita Desai to your Favourites.
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