All forms of medication have downsides if we are really being honest with ourselves. High Blood Pressure Medicine is no different. To be honest as I have covered in other articles with regards to medicine for High Blood Pressure it is very much a case of the lesser of two evils or ?damned if you do, damned if you don't.?
In fact if you don't take you medication when prescribed the consequences could be extremely high ? it could kill you, so whatever side effects you suffer from the one thing that you should never do is stop taking them without prior clearance from your Doctor or Medical Practitioner.
With regards to ACE Inhibitors or ?Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor? to give it its full name for classification purposes perhaps it might be an idea to briefly cover what they actually do before we get all negative and cover any potential side effects. The major drug that is prescribed under the subject ACE Inhibitor is called Lisinopril.
These drugs block the action (as the name suggests) of an enzyme within the body that is called Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). ACE as a component is heavily involved in the production of another chemical which is called Angiotensin II. So it naturally follows that Lisinopril reduces the amount of Angiotensin II floating about in our blood stream at any one time or another.
The functions of Angiotensin II are two fold. Firstly it narrows the blood vessels and the secondary function is to stop the kidneys passing more urine. As these actions are reversed (as the name suggests) then it naturally follows that the Kidneys are now producing more urine which in turn means that there is less fluid in the blood vessels. These also widen and the overall effect is a drop in the overall blood pressure and this means that the workload on the heart is decreased dramatically.
The major side effects of taking ACE Inhibitors are as follows.
1.A dry cough
3.A faster pulse.
4.An overall dryness in the mouth.
5.An inability for a man to obtain an erection ? though this is easily reversible.
7.A potential increase in conditions of the digestive tract such as Abdominal pain, Constipation, Diarrhoea, nausea and Vomiting.
8.Swelling of the eyes, lips or tongue. A condition known as Angioedema.
10.An alteration in the taste buds (suddenly you like your Mother in laws cooking).
11.Increased susceptibility to as Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction).
12.12. A noticeable drop in Blood Pressure ? this is known as Hypotension
14.A potential increase in disorders of the Blood, Kidney or Liver.
15.The last point could lead to decreased kidney function.
Decision time for you when you get prescribed these drugs? Good or Bad? It all depends whether they keep you alive or not. If they do then it is worth it. If they don't then you won't know about it anyway so why bother?
I was only joking to this last point so please do not take me seriously regarding this. If your Doctor prescribes you with any of the above medication then go with it for the time being and monitor yourself for these side effects very carefully and at the first sign of any of them then get in touch with your Doctor immediately.
It may just be a false alarm; on the other hand it may just keep you alive, who knows?
Effect Of High Blood Pressure
Before our world converted from an unplugged existence to the wonderful world of wireless technology, advertising was much simpler. Businesses called the local newspaper and took out advertisement space that they could afford. If they wanted to reach even farther, they would look beyond their local paper and extend their campaign to a billboard in their city or to the larger paper in the town next door. Because of the age of the super information highway, advertising has changed. Today businesses can spend a fraction of what they used to in their marketing budget and reach tens of thousands more consumers. How? Adwords.
Not too long after the inception of the internet, search engines began. And shortly thereafter, the conglomerate anomaly that we call "google" was born. Google became more than a search engine. And this is about the biggest earning sites on the internet. It only makes sense, then, to consider what a business can earn if its executives choose to advertise with Google. Google has made this easy thanks to their form of advertising with Adwords pay-per-click advertisement.
When a business wants to advertise on Google, they must simply go to the Adwords website and post their ad. They do not pay every time their ad appears, but instead Google charges them each time someone clicks on their ad. So they only pay when customers click. This is very agreeable on every person's part, but the cost of Adwords pay-per-clicks ads had consistently been on the rise: it works. Those who advertise with Google have seen interest and sales increase exponentially, and thus Google is cluing into the fact that they must now charge more simply because people are seeing the benefit of using their site. Thus Google has found a way to make money online simply by just existing.
Ironically, Google's search engine differs little from any other search engine. Their popularity has stemmed from their early success, and as a result, while they may not be the absolute best search engine, they are the most popular. After all, when have you ever heard someone say, "Just Dogpile it"? With Google becoming a household name in the industry. "I googled my name and came up with 2200 hits!"
Essentially, Adwords has worked for everyone in the business. It continues to make Google popular, and it essentially offers free advertising for those who wish to participate since they only pay for the clicks on their ads. Businesses do not pay until they receive a click. Therefore they have their wares exposed to their customers without paying until the customer clicks on their links.
The best thing about Adwords pay-per-click ad, and probably the reason that it continues to rise in cost, lies in Google engineers' genius in narrowing the market for those who advertise on Google. Let's say you have a business that focuses on an online money making guide. When an individual types in "make money online," your business's ad pops up. If the person types in "fried chicken recipes," your ad will not pop up. Only those seeking for your business will see your ad.
Thus we can understand the rising cost of Adwords pay-per-click ads. This is indeed a wonderful system by a popular search engine, and it works. The adwords website has dozens of testimonies by businesses that have grown as a result of advertising with Google. So watch out Daily Times, because Google is taking over the marketing world.
Ironically, this rising cost of Google adwords pay-per-click method of advertising has shut out many a small business concerns and even the very big companies. This is because, it is becoming unnecessarily very expensive to advertise one's wares or products on the net. Keywords in the very competitive markets could go as high as $50 per one and this is worrisome especially if your sales conversion rate is small.
In so far as this paints a gloomy picture for the internet marketer, a secret solution was recently, however stumbled upon. And this of course is FREE adverting, the technicalities of which will be treated next time.
Both Stephenmorgan & Ejike Arinze are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Stephenmorgan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Information Technology, Home Improvement and BMW. Stephen Morgan is Senior Editor forLiving with High Blood Pressure and also its sister site. Stephenmorgan's top article generates over 550000 views. Bookmark Stephenmorgan to your Favourites.
Ejike Arinze has sinced written about articles on various topics from Advertising Guide, Blood Pressure and Advertising Guide. The Author is EJIKE ARINZE. Is your profit being eroded as a result of the high cost of Pay-Per-Clicks Advertising? Join the SMART marketers who have learnt how to get Google's Pay-Per-Clicks Advertising FREE. YOU too can at:. Ejike Arinze's top article generates over 8100 views. Bookmark Ejike Arinze to your Favourites.
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