No area of oncology is more complex and controversial than the relationship of cancer and diet. Everyone would like to believe that there is some diet which can substantially affect the likelihood of cancer, or better still to cure it once contracted. But to date, the evidence of the effect of diet is unclear and often inconsistent.
Reputable sources all seem to agree that there is no diet that can cure cancer. There is also no evidence strong enough to support the belief that any diet can prevent an individual from contracting cancer. However, there are many studies that suggest that the occurrence, recurrence, and even survivability rates could potentially be affected by the foods an individual selects.
Though far from certain, many studies examined by researchers at Cornell University were able to correlate lower death rates - an increased five or ten year survivability, with certain dietary choices.
The Nurses Health Study which examined 1,982 women who had already developed breast cancer. These women were followed for an average of 13 years. Of those women 1200 had breast cancers that had not yet metastasized (spreading of a primary tumor to other areas of the body thus producing a secondary tumor of the same type). If an individual's cancer has spread then typically their survival rates are known to be much lower.
Some of the women studied ate fish and poultry in higher quantities. These items contain protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These women had a much lower risk of death than women in the group who did not consume similar quantities. It was also determined that women who ate greater amounts of hydrogenated oils had a much higher rate of death.
Additionally, another study which was conducted by the National Cancer Institute observed 2,400 individuals. Of those individuals 975 women who had contracted breast cancer were asked to consume a low fat diet (33.3g per day) for a period of five years. Another 1,462 women consumed 51.3 g of fat per day. The group consuming less fat experienced a 42% reduction in the recurrence rate.
The problem with many of these studies is that they are observing only associations, not causation. It is extremely unclear from the data which has been compiled what data is actually relevant. Do the dietary decisions of these women merely reflect the fact that women who focus on maintaining a healthy diet also tend to make healthier lifestyle choices overall? Or, are the foods these women consume actually helpful or harmful, and to what degree?
As with most studies that involve fruits and vegetables, the answer is uncertain. Aside from those which contain antioxidants any effect that is beneficial just isn't known with complete confidence. In this instance, however, the evidence does support that foods which are high in antioxidants do aid in the reduction of the chance of contracting breast cancer.
Free radicals circulating throughout an individual's blood stream are ionized atoms that are widely able to harm cells. Antioxidants act to reduce the amount of free radicals by combining with them, thus rendering them harmless.
Fat studies, however, are less clear. The leading theory states that since high estrogen levels are known to highly correlate with a greater risk of breast caner, and since fat efficiently stores estrogen, then reducing your fat intake lowers the risk.
The flawed conclusion that is sometimes drawn however is the belief that eating fat makes you fat. But it isn't the consumption of fat that causes higher body fat, per se. Eating more calories than are used causes the body to store the excess in fat, leading to a higher body fat percentage. And, fat contains more calories per unit weight than other foods. The route is indirect.
Aside from the difficult to interpret or incomplete evidence, there is one thing that all experts mutually agree on: maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet are always smart decisions. Whether these decisions lower the risk of contracting breast cancer or not, for the 1 in 12 women who will contract breast cancer at some point in their life, being in the most optimal health aids in combating the disease before, during and after.
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