When it comes to tourism, you will need to think about the social aspects, as well as the cultural and environment aspects. You will also need to be concerned with the economic growth that could end up being positive or negative. You will find that when it comes to eco-tourism, you will need to see that there are positive and negative affects. You may be able to create a whole new world for your local community, or you may end up making a whole new level of hell for the local environment, and that is why you need to learn the negative effects of eco-tourism. Some of the negative effects that you may run into is a reduction in population and then the number of jobs available. You will also find that there are many people who will come to an area to get it on its feet, and you may end up taking some of the local jobs away from the local people in spite of your means to help.
When it comes to importing, you will need to keep inconsideration there are many countries that will misplace their finances and they will end up placing funds to things that really does not benefit the local economy and then they have to cut back in areas like cultural important or the school funding. You don't want this to happen to your local community.
Then there are times where the land may end up being striped. This is where you will end up destroying the nests of local animals and it also may disturb the local water supply. You will find that there are so many negative effects of bad ecotourism that you may end up ruining an area or country. You will find that you will end up creating more problems than you can solve. This is true everywhere, from Benidorm, Spain to Anchorage Alaska.
Don't think that there aren't positive benefits to ecotourism, however, you will find that you have to think about the consequences of all your actions when it comes to taking care of your local community and you will need to think about both the pros and cons of what could happen. You need to think about all the ?what ifs? if you really want to make eco-tourism beneficial. You will need to consider how it will affect labor, land, the economy, the natural resources, and the destination appeal to tourists before taking any type of action.
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