You are governed by these Laws whether you know it or not, and whether you believe it or not. You have a choice to understand these Laws and use them to create a life of unimaginable peace, wealth, health, relationships, and spiritual fulfillment. Or, you can continue to make excuses or blame others for why your prayers are not answered or why other businesses succeed and yours does not.
If you know there is much more that you are capable of doing, being, or having, and you have not been able to get the results you want no matter how hard you've tried, then understanding the Laws of the Universe and how they affect you might be the answer.
The Laws of the Universe Revealed
The Laws of the Universe include the Law of Vibration, Law of Attraction, Law of Polarity, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Rhythm, Law of Gender, Law of Relativity, and the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. An essential ingredient to using these Laws is to understand your mind and how it works, including the powers of your subconscious and conscious minds.
Thankfully, films like The Secret, and What the Bleep Do We Know, has made it possible for people worldwide to learn these Laws and put them to work. People who consistently operate within the Laws are now making quantum leaps in every area of their lives.
I was fortunate to have learned these Laws very early in life. My mom had mastered these techniques and taught them to me. At the age of thirteen I was learning to meditate and visualize. I tried it out by first attracting a shiny new bike. I later learned to attract cars, homes, money, jobs, relationships, and exotic vacations.
I was taught that by learning to control my thoughts and to keep my mind in sync with the Universal Laws, I can easily tap into the Universe for anything I wanted.
Advances in Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics has recently revealed what we in the human potential field have known all along: that our mind is the cause of all that happens in our lives, whether it is good, bad, or indifferent. It is not "God's will"', and we are not victims of circumstance. The scientists have proven that when we use our mind in the right way, we tap into the hidden powers and forces that have been dormant. These powers allow us to achieve anything we want in life, as long as we operate within the Law.
When you change your thinking, you will change your life. It's that simple. You will stop limiting your abilities, you will learn new beliefs that serve you, and you will achieve successes that you never thought possible. You will find your life purpose, you will learn why you have been getting the results you've gotten, and you will learn to use visualization and meditation in a way that creates calm, peace, and clarity. You will begin to live your life the way God and you intended. You can even become a multi-millionaire if you want to.
Make time to read and learn about the Laws of the Universe. One of the Laws says "like attracts like."' Once you make the decision to learn about the Laws, people and opportunities will appear that will help deepen your understanding and inspire you to continue the journey.
The process has already begun. It is no accident that you are reading this message. The Universe works in exact precision. My writing this article and getting it into your hands at the exact time your mind is open to receive it is no coincidence. It is further example of how the Law works.
Once you align your mind with these Laws, you can change your life at depth. Your mind does create your reality. You can choose to ignore it and continue to be a victim of circumstance, or you can accept it and allow it to work for you, your family, and your business. It's your choice.
Aim High!
Copyright (c) 2007 LaVera J. Gaston
Enough True Measures Of Money Business And Life
I have wanted to write this article for some time. It is about whom some have called a remarkable woman. As a matter of fact, she was recently featured in a book by the same name, “Remarkable Woman" by Insight Publishing.
The businesswoman’s name is Dr. Devona Williams. She is the Founder and President/ Chief Executive Officer of a 16-year-old Performance Consulting Company Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. Dr. Williams is an accomplished inspirational speaker, trainer and consultant with nearly 30 years experience in the fields of public policy, planning and public relations with the corporate, government and non-profit sectors.
Highlights of her public career include her appointment as a Presidential Management Intern in the Reagan Administration and Legislative Fellow in the Delaware House of Representatives. With an eye to business as a young child, she found her way clear to start her own very successful full time consulting and training business in 1993, Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc.
Besides being a successful businesswoman, she is a wife, mother and recently became a grandmother. Incredibly accomplished, she has a story of overcoming tremendous obstacles and challenges in both her personal and business life. Her story of overcoming those challenges can provide business and life skills for us all.
I met her over 30 years ago when she was just a smart, pretty young teenager attending a prestigious high school in Philadelphia. I was attending Central High School of Philadelphia and she, Philadelphia High Schools for Girls.
More than 30 years after that fateful meeting, after not having seen or talked with her for almost 30 years, I read Dr. William’s remarkable story of how she was raised, the incredible challenges she has faced in her equally remarkable life, learned of her business success, and was inspired by her ability to persevere, overcome and experience genuine success.
The Remarkable Women book talks about her professional accomplishments, but also the obstacles and personal challenges she has endured, including sexual assault as a young college freshman, breaking the glass ceiling at a Fortune 500 company, starting her Consulting business in a State that historically was challenged when it came to women owned businesses, a devastating injury, and a divorce.
While reading her story, I could not help thinking that the obstacles and challenges Dr. Devona faced could have ended most careers and certainly a business.
In Chapter 22 of the book where Dr. Williams’ story is featured, she tells for the first time publicly, in detail, of these obstacles and challenges that she overcame, spawning for her a unique strength, philosophy and approach to life that forged the foundation for her successful 30-year career. Her unique philosophy, strength and faith have allowed her to preserver, grow and prosper even during these challenging circumstances.
The book discusses the key beliefs and principles that allowed her to continue and experience success while going through these challenges. To put it mildly, Dr. Williams’ story is both startling and inspirational.
In the book she shares some of her core beliefs that she has applied in her life and her business. Here are a few:
·Success is planned. It is not an accident.
·You must have multiple plans. Successful people plan and have multiple plans.
·You can do the right thing, prepare yourself and then sometimes things just don’t go as plan. That’s ok. All things work together for good if you believe.
·You must have an overall vision for your own personal success. What will it look like when you get there?
·You must have multiple approaches to your goals and dreams, most of them written down or at least in a framework. The yellow brick road was not the only way to Oz!
·When unexpected things happen, contemplate the impact, readjust if necessary then quickly continue to move forward.
Dr. Williams continues in her book, “ Obstacles that come along should be viewed as temporary challenges or setbacks. Find a way to get around them. Learn from them. Use painful or a key learning’s to continue to fulfill your purpose. Your vision of success. Whatever that looks like for you."
She describes the circumstances of a violent assault at the innocent age of 18. Dr. Devona says,“ The cab driver violently attacked me, and during our struggle he yelled racial and sexual obscenities, letting me know that he intended to rape me. He punched me in my eye and nearly knocked me unconscious. At this point, I called out to God to intervene. He helped me to escape. I felt like it was the end of my life. "
She describes how that for her, was an end of a period of innocence, and at that early age in 1973, there was not a lot of opportunity for her to get the help she needed after such an incident. She was ashamed to tell her parents. Embarrassed as if she was responsible for the attack. Never got therapy. Never told anyone until recently. But through sheer will power and the need to complete her education, pay for it, and just plain survive the humiliation of the event…she just kept going.
As a business owner particularly as a start up home-based business, you are going to have many challenges. Some will seem like they just simply cannot be overcome. You will frequently take two steps forward and one step back prior to your business becoming what you and I would call “successful." There will be times when your expense far out weigh your revenues. You will want to quit, give up, go and get a real job!
During those periods, take some advice from Dr. Williams. She says," Obstacles that come along the way should be viewed as challenges that are temporary, that can be overcome."
Dr. Devona believes everyone can be remarkable in both his or her business and personal life as well. It is possible to have it all…if you just refuse to give in.
She says, “ If you continue and never quit, then you too can be a Remarkable Success in your company, home, business and most importantly, in your life."
Get the book and read her complete story. Have a handkerchief in your hand and then become that remarkable person that is you.
Both Lavera J. Gaston & Kenny Anderson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Lavera J. Gaston has sinced written about articles on various topics from self improvement and motivation, self improvement and motivation and Web Development. LaVera J. Gaston is the founder of MindSync Solutions. She is a Success Coach and Law of Attraction Specialist helping business owners grow their businesses. You can call her at 916-419-3998 or visit her website at. Lavera J. Gaston's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Lavera J. Gaston to your Favourites.
Kenny Anderson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Computers and The Internet, Income Opportunity and Computers and The Internet. Kenny Anderson is the Principal for Tiger Trade, LLC a subsidiary of Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. of Wilmington, DEand Aurora, CO. Kenny is a graduate of the United States NavalAcademy at Annapolis, MD. He is a highly successfu. Kenny Anderson's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Kenny Anderson to your Favourites.
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