Every one of us has dozens of photographs that we see only on rare occasions whenever we feel like reminiscing. Some of them are the ones that really cherish the moments, which always stays fresh as memories. But to make it more memorable, imagine having an oil painting of that Photograph hanging above your mantle or other places in your home or office.
Let me just briefly depict my experience of commissioning a portrait. It was the birthday of my grand mum and I wanted to gift her with something that she would really cherish. I was utterly in loss of ideas, as she either has all that she needs or just doesn’t care to have anything. Then my wife suggested why not gift, her with a life size portrait of my grandpa. It was the best idea, so I went out looking for people who could blow up the photos I had of him and make it into a six foot tall image. I found that lt was virtually impossible even with the latest photo resizing and enhancement to make the old paintings which I had to be converted to what I wanted it to be. Then when I chanced upon a site that offered to commission a portrait and make it look alive. As if when hung the portrait could speak to you.
I decided to commission a portrait. It turned out to be the best gift I had bought ever to anyone. My grandma was in literal tears when she saw the Image come alive in front of her. She felt as if my grandpa was standing right in front of her. It was simply awesome. This was when I realized that Oil paint portraits are more than just work of art but a reflection of a persona coming alive.
From then on I have been a avid fan of Oil paint portraits I have suggested it to over a hundred people and most if not all agreed with my views and ended up commissioning a portrait.
Why a Portrait?
Many people from all over the world Commission to hand paint, portraits of their family or of their Children or wedding portrait. It always reminds us the pleasant memories or event that we shared. Commemorating these experiences with traditional oil painting is a unique expression of love, respect and admiration for a time or event that may never come around again, it can be shared by your family and your descendants.
Commissioning a portrait:
Because an oil portrait will be a treasured heirloom the goal is to create a painting that will stand the test of time as a compelling work of art. Portraits are intended as a celebration and affirmation of the life of the sitters; each is an exploration of their unique character and personal strengths.
Oil paintings capture qualities that are quintessential dynamic with authenticity and compassion. Painting portraits is about exploring the lyricism of character and levels of personality within the painted surface. More than a photograph made to look like a painting, portraits are the real thing. A love of people and a deep interest in the human experience is the key to a painting that lasts forever. The time necessary for a commissioning a portrait varies with the length, scale, background, medium and the material available to work with. Allow the leeway of a couple of weeks then see the wonders come to life right in front of your eyes. Capture memories make them last for eternity.
Travis Jones has sinced written about articles on various topics from Web Development, Painting and Portrait Painting. About the authorTravis Jones recommends Canvazhttp://www.canvaz.com/portrait.php for genuine work of art in Oil paint.. Travis Jones's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Travis Jones to your Favourites.
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