If you're planning a family camping trip or a family party outdoors, a family tent is the way to go. Also called cabin tents, these structures make a gathering more comfortable because of the room they offer. With the wide variety of styles on the market today, family tents are an attractive option when the whole gang gets together.
Family tents provide comfortable accommodations when you have extra people on a trip. A family tent gives everyone room to stretch and lounge. Family time is much more enjoyable when no one feels like a participant in a giant game of Twister.
Family tents made of canvas offer safe haven from rain and snow. You can purchase your tent with a canopy overhang that provides cover in mild rain conditions. The waterproof tent floor provides protection when the ground is cold or damp. Family tents come with steel or aluminum poles that provide the necessary support for the heavy weight of the canvas.
Some cabin tents have multi-room designs. These offer a main or central room, off of which are separate sleeping rooms. Everyone can congregate in the main room for meals and entertainment. When the time comes for solitude or privacy, campers can retreat to their own quarters. You can add your own room divider to a one-room family tent and create a two-room effect.
Cabin tents can feel more spacious because the walls are vertical. They do not curve inward like the walls of dome tents. That little bit of extra space creates the feeling of a whole lot of extra space. Family tents that are approximately 20 feet wide can accommodate four or five people comfortably. Larger models can hold more people as needed.
People of average height can walk into and out of cabin tents easily without having to bend down. These tents also allow for larger furnishings. You can bring in camp furniture, chairs and tables so that you almost feel as though you are at home in your living room or den.
When you consider a family tent purchase, remember that they are heavier and bulkier and require at least two adults to set up. They also require more storage space in your home. When you transport a tent of this size, you need to be sure your vehicle has the necessary room.
Many online retailers offer different models of cabin tents. Offline locations such as specialty outdoor equipment stores and tent manufacturers also offer an assortment of these tents. Don't be afraid to pay more for a larger family tent if your budget allows. If it's going to be your family's home away from home for an extended period, you don't want it to be too small. Cramped quarters can make for a very uncomfortable vacation.
Family tents make any outdoor occasion more pleasant for a large group. Consider one for your next camping excursion or outdoor celebration. Family tents are a great way for everyone to enjoy one another's company without sacrificing personal space.
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