There is nothing more desirable than getting a nice set of abs. Having a flat stomach often sets one a part from the normal and gets lots of attention. The problem is that not many people know how to get a flat abs. It is not really rocket science but you need to know a few rules to adhere before even talking about losing weight.
What you are about read here are three surefire ways help you lose that gut and make you look really good! Ok, without waiting any further, let's get into tips number one.
Do The Cardio
Yes, you read that clearly. In order for you to really burn that stubborn body fat, you need to get that cardio in. There is no way around it. You have probably heard it over and over again on the internet, from health magazines and also perhaps from your trainer. But whether you like it or not, doing your time on the treadmill does the job. Doing cardio can really help you burn body fat in a very short amount of time.
How Many Times a Week?
I know you wish I would say once a week but dream on! In order to get results, you need to do your cardio three times a week. But if you want fabulous results, you need to do your cardio for five times a week.
How Long Per Cardio Session?
I have seen a lot of people just do twenty minutes on the treadmill and they thought that they have done enough for the week. To really get the results that you want, you need to spend at least thirty to forty five minutes on the cardio machine of your choice. I know it sounds a long time but, if you want results, you got to do it.
The second tip for getting a flat stomach quickly is to do high intensity interval training or also known as HIIT. This sort of training is rather the opposite of the conventional way of dong cardio. Instead of doing continuous running, HIIT requires you to sprint for one minute and walk for another minute. When I say sprint, I mean really sprint. You must be totally drained out by the end of the working minute.
Even though the calorie stated on the machine is lesser than it would if you run slower for forty five minutes, the after burn the HIIT creates has tremendous calorie burning capabilities.
Never Skip The Weight Training! Here Is Why!
I sometimes hear a lot of people saying that they want to lose weight so they would just do cardio and not include weight training. They are dead wrong! Weight training is one of the only way to increase muscle in the body and also a fabulous way to speed up metabolism. Every pound of muscle you put on, you burn an additional 50 calories! Isn't that great? This is because muscles are living tissues and it needs calories to sustain.
How Many Times of Pumping Iron?
In order to get some results, go for twice a week of weight training. If you have the luxury of time, do three weight training sessions a week.
Pack On Muscle On The Legs
This is the third tip. Packing on solid high quality muscle on the legs can really help burn body fat. The legs can carry lots of muscle due to its size compared to the others. Besides that, if you have stronger legs, you can do more cardio at a higher intensity which translate to more calorie burn!
Getting that dream body requires extra work. If it is easy, everybody on the street would have a lean sexy figure. Stick to your workout program and never give up!
Chung Leong Yu has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Low Carb Diet and Bodybuilding Supplements. Leong is a very experienced American Council on Exercise certified personal trainer. He has written countless articles on weight loss, exercise, diet and fitness that have helped many achieve their fitness goals. For limited time only, you can download hi. Chung Leong Yu's top article generates over 27100 views. Bookmark Chung Leong Yu to your Favourites.
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