A symbol of youth, that's how braces are regarded in most parts of the world however, the meaning that they are given in other countries it's actually surprising. The most common type of braces are those made of metal, their orthodontic purpose is to apply pressure towards a specific direction to a set of teeth in order to reposition them in a way that is visually pleasing after the treatment is complete.
Braces are normally seen in children and teenagers because throughout their early years orthodontic complications can be prevented by the use of these devices, in the United States alone 30% of the people who wear braces are actually adults, this means that the orthodontic benefits can still be received even if braces were neglected throughout infant years.
As time went by technology has changed everything so yesterday braces are no longer the best because clear and invisible ones have been developed in order to be less awkward and provide better results as they are aided and designed to high-tech computer imaging which is mostly based on CAT software data.
The way that braces are regarded in third world countries can be amusing to some people, while they are generally seen as a symbol of youth and inexperience, in these countries they are seen as a symbol of wealth so next to obesity having braces is actually a good thing. In Thailand (2006) the media reported that authorities started to punish people who sold fake braces for youngsters who consider them to be part of a fashion statement, the fines were as high as $1300.
In proxy countries such as the Philippines the same fashion trend has been experienced mostly due to the fact that people in this country consider braces to be an indicator of wealth so not only do youngsters were caught wearing these fake braces but adults and even elderly people were caught doing the very same thing.
The truth of the matter is that for some people braces are expensive and often require a long commitment (which is a case of third world countries) but in more developed ones they are still used because of their orthodontic benefit.
Feminism And Pop Culture
They have indicated that they feel a bit like those who first pioneered television must have felt. Each month this group puts together an hour-long television type show that is free and available on demand. The video stream is produced with the same elements you would find in a television show, but without the commercials.
The show features live music from an intimate studio room located at the home of one of the singers. It may provide guest artists and interviews as well as candid moments with the band. The end result matches virtually any artist profile show you might watch on TV.
The big difference is that this group did not pitch their show to a network. They fund the production themselves and archive the video for on demand viewing. This inspires improves list building efforts and reminds fans why they have loved this group for so long.
In turn the hope is that the music, interviews and behind the scenes stories about the music will encourage site visitors to either come see them in concert or make a direct online purchase of music or related merchandise.
The feel of the program is a lot like watching a musical biography with the interactive bonus of sending them an electronic note or gaining access to other group information.
Everyday we hear of greater and greater inroads that can be seen with video streaming as an alternative to traditional television. The interactive nature and portability of these video elements allow commuters to watch video streams on portable devices and can allow visual content consumers to download full episodes of their favorite shows or other content that is of high quality, but ONLY available online.
Do you think anyone suspected that mass media would be so completely altered by the advent of the Internet? It really has begun an incredible revolution in media product download. It has simplified the process and has allowed a much more organic approach to content development and distribution.
Video streaming has allowed niche marketing to take place in a pop culture format. This group might not be able to secure a contract for a monthly show from a television network. If they were to secure a monthly contract they would likely not have the creative control they desire. With online video streaming they call the shots and their fans get to see their creative genius in music and in the production of their web based video stream.
More and more businesses and organizations are discovering the benefits of being able to provide video content to their site visitors in an effort to entertain, educate or inform.
The best video streams are ones that will ultimately benefit site visitor as well as site owner. The video stream should be a natural outgrowth of your business and allow site visitors to maximize their visit by accessing links to make purchases of products related to the video stream.
Both Robert Melkonyan & Scott Lindsay are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Robert Melkonyan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Teeth Whitening, Recreation and Sports and Debts Loans. A symbol of youth, that's how braces are regarded in most parts of the world however, the meaning that they are given in other countries it's actually surprising. The most common type of braces are those made of metal, their orthodontic purpose is to app. Robert Melkonyan's top article generates over 450000 views. Bookmark Robert Melkonyan to your Favourites.