You have an online business that you started from scratch. It has grown steadily over the last few years, and you make a small profit from your endeavors. However, it hasn't grown as quickly as you first imagined, and the profit isn't enough to pay your Internet bill each month, but not your rent and other essentials. Is there a way to expand and grow your Internet business with another online partner?
The answer is a resounding "YES!" There is much potential for partnering up with another online business owner to gain more traffic, find more efficient marketing platforms, and earn higher revenue. Most business owners are open to making more money, even through a partnership. If you can find a willing JV partner who wants to pair up and tackle more business. Here is how you could benefit:
Provide Enhanced Service to Your Current Customers
With a joint venture, you have the potential to offer your current customers and subscribers an added-value service. A JV partnership with another website owner who sells products or services that are complementary to yours can be a breath of fresh air that you could offer your customers. How? You make it appear that you have made an extra effort on their part by finding a "deal" on your JV partner's products or services. Just make sure that the products or services from your new JV partner are good quality and will result in solid customer satisfaction. A deal on a 'bad' product can reflect poorly on your business, and you could potentially lose customers in the process.
Increase Your Subscriber List
When you pair up with an online partner, you can get access to his mailing or subscriber list. An endorsement from your JV partner can send hundreds, or even thousands, of new potential customers and subscribers. Offer them a great deal to sign up with your mailing or subscriber list, and you may find your customer contact double or more. This is a great way to increase your subscriber list with little or absolutely no cost. A larger, targeted customer contact list gives you the leverage to offer great deals that they can purchase and increase your income.
Gain More Credibility
When you chose and acquire the right online JV partner who already has high credibility and reputation, you can instantly increase your own credibility. For instance, a JV partnership with an online giant like Ebay or Amazon, where you offer special and quality deals for their customers, gives you access to millions of new customers. Your association with such an online presence gives you instant endorsement if you form the proper strategy. That means following through with your promises and offering quality products or services.
Take your online business to a new level. It is possible to go it alone and try to make a giant skyscraper out of a pile of rubble, but with the help of an online JV partner, you can realize great profits through an already existing structure.
Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Fea
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Internet marketing is a component of electronic commerce. Internet marketing can include information management, public relations, customer service, and sales. Electronic commerce and Internet marketing have become popular as Internet access is becoming more widely available and used. Well over one third of consumers who have Internet access in their homes report using the Internet to make purchases. Internet marketing first began in the early 1990s as simple, text-based websites that offered product information. It then evolved into advertisements complete with graphics.
The most recent step in this evolution was the creation of complete online businesses that use the Internet to promote and sell their services and goods. Internet marketing is associated with several business models. The main models include business-to-business and business-to-consumer (B2C). B2B consists of companies doing business with each other, whereas B2C involves selling directly to the end consumer. When Internet marketing first began the B2C model was first to emerge. B2B transactions were more complex and came about later. A third, less common business model is peer-to-peer (P2P), where individuals exchange goods between themselves. An example of P2P is Napster, which is built upon individuals sharing files. Internet marketing can also be seen in various formats. One version is name-your-price. With this format, customers are able to state what price range they wish to spend and then select from items at that price range. With find-the-best-price websites, Internet users can search for the lowest prices on items.
A final format is online auctions where buyers bid on listed items. Some of the benefits associated with Internet marketing include the availability of information. Consumers can log onto the Internet and learn about products, as well as purchase them, at any hour. Companies that use Internet marketing can also save money because of a reduced need for a sales force. Overall, Internet marketing can help expand from a local market to both national and international marketplaces.
Limitations of Internet marketing create problems for both companies and consumers. Slow Internet connections can cause difficulties. If companies put too much information on their website, Internet users may struggle to load the web page. Also, Internet marketing does not allow shoppers to touch or try-on items before purchasing them. For both companies and consumers that participate in online business, security concerns are very important.
Many consumers are hesitant to buy items over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Recently, some companies that do business online have been caught giving away or selling information about their customers. Several of these companies have guarantees on their websites, claiming customer information will be private. By selling customer information, these companies are breaking their own, publicized policy. Some companies that buy customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from the database (known as opting out). However, many customers are unaware that their information is being shared and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies.
Both Christian Fea & Tim Ronald are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Christian Fea has sinced written about articles on various topics from Partnerships, Joint Venture and Business Plan. Christian Fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A Joint Venture Marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability.To discover more Joint Venture Marketing Strategi. Christian Fea's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Christian Fea to your Favourites.
Tim Ronald has sinced written about articles on various topics from Joint Venture. If you enjoy this article and want to read more, visit these blogs - Click on these links: small business ideas and. Tim Ronald's top article generates over 480 views. Bookmark Tim Ronald to your Favourites.
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