It is not possible for every person to own a home and in the past lenders thought that it was risky position to advance loans to the tenants. But tenants are not homeless people they live in other people’s house and pay rent every month. The absence of a home in the collateral list does not make them less worthy of taking a loan. The lenders today have recognized the importance of this class and come up with tenant loans.
These loans are given to tenants who cannot put any asset to get a loan. These loans are unsecured in nature and the lenders normally take into consideration the repayment ability of the borrower. The lenders also check income, credit status and bank documents of the tenant before giving the loan. These loans are offered in the range of £1000-£25000 and can be repaid between the duration of 6 months – 10 years. These loans come with a high interest rate as there is no guarantee given to the lender. However, one can easily negotiate with the lenders to get better interest rates, due the prevalence of high competition in the financial market.
Through these loans, all types of renters like council tenants, private tenants and house association tenants are eligible to take up these loans. The borrowers can fulfill any needs like debt consolidation, home improvement, car purchase; wedding expenses, educational funding and so on.
The popularity of these loans has boost up because the number of tenants has increased now. Another reason accredited to their popularity is their easy availability online. The benefits are ample and the hassle of paperwork is absent here.
Bad credit borrowers can also take up these loans easily. The rate of interest may be higher for them owing to their bad credit history. But by taking advantage of the competition in the market bad credit borrowers can also get loans at good rates.
Peter Taylor
Tenant loans are exclusively meant for tenants. It is now easy for borrowers to get loans without running from pillar to post searing for loans and not getting them because of their tenant status.
Peter Taylor has sinced written about articles on various topics from Debts Loans, Divorce and Infidelity and Adverse Credit. Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at Fast Cash Loan Tenant with an acumen for finance and insurance. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of writing and thoroughly researched datas. To find. Peter Taylor's top article generates over 368000 views. Bookmark Peter Taylor to your Favourites.
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