So should you be worried about reverse cell phone lookup?
Yes because what this service provides is not only the name of the cell phone owner but also a full address. On top of that, if anyone wants to use it even further, it can be used together with MapQuest, Yahoo or Google maps and get a sure way guide right to your home. The possibilities for misuse here are endless, form mail spam to many other more serious threats to your privacy and security.
Thankfully your e-mail address is not included, or you could without even realizing it become a victim of identity theft or maybe even worse.
Nevertheless, fortunately for us, Google has enabled us with a way to defend our privacy from malevolent reverse cell phone lookup users and have an option to have your information removed. All you need to do is just fill a simple online form or send a regular mail.
You can go online here: or just send a letter to Google at: Google Phonebook Removal, 2400 Bayshore Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.
Other services however, do not provide you with such an easy option to protect yourself from reverse cell phone lookup. Why is that? Well the reason is believe it or not ;) money. There is a lot of money to be made in selling information, especially personal information.
Because of a huge number of such services I will not go in to listing them, it would just take to long and cover dozens of pages.
How can you protect yourself from reverse cell phone lookup?
The easiest way to do it is just do not provide your private info unless it is necessary. Specially avoid web-based forms that offer you some kind of incentives in return for your name, address or a phone number. In 99% of the cases, the reward is just not worth it.
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In addition, if you are already in trouble because of reverse cell phone lookup, change your phone numbers (both cell and regular), request anywhere you can that your private information stays unlisted.
If you run in to service that rejects to do it threat them with a lawsuit, and really consult your lawyer about it. Who knows maybe you can even turn the table and make some money on it.
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