The compensation plan in network marketing is quite similar to affiliate marketing. However, the main difference is in the number of levels through which compensations can be achieved. The sponsoring company can pay the network marketer upto several or even unlimited levels. However, the original agreement will outline the restrictions in the maximum amount of payment as well as the maximum number of levels the payout can reach. Usually individual arrangements and contracts will differ from one network marketing program to another. This makes comparison quite difficult. The network marketer earns a direct referral fee which is a result of his recommendation of a friend or acquaintance. He may also avail a leverage fee which is due to his "downlines" referring their friends and associates into the network layers. Differences between the two
There are many differences between affiliate marketing and network marketing as outlined below:
Presence of layers: While network marketing has several layers or strata of people referring other recruiters into the system, affiliate marketing is devoid of any such layers.
Ongoing effort: In affiliate marketing one needs to put in continual efforts in order to gain sustainable income on a long term basis. However in network marketing just with initial efforts, one can continue to reap long term dividends because of the leverage fees associated.
People to people: Network marketing success largely depends on the ability to have good interpersonal skills and enhancing the "downlines" more. However affiliate marketing is more of an individual effort which focuses on gaining maximum profits through individual attempts.
Types of products sold: In the case of network marketing the kind of products sold are primarily those which will be bought by customers again and again. Thus the sale is a repeat process. However in the case of affiliate marketing the type of products sold are such that customers will buy them only once.
Ease of selling: In network marketing it is more difficult to sell products to customers. It's because supply far outweighs demand. Because of the many layers and sellers trying to sell the same product, the likelihood of the product getting sold gets diminished. In the case of affiliate marketing, it is easier to sell these products especially since they involve more than one type of product. Thus there are more choices and options in an affiliate marketing program.
Stagnation: In network marketing it is very easy to reach a point of stagnation. In other words, once the layers start to increase, the chance of selling the product reduces. This can result in the network marketing chain stagnating in terms of sales. On the other hand, in the case of affiliate marketing, although initially a lot of effort and time maybe needed and sales maybe sluggish, over time the results can be exponential sales.
Downlines: In the case of network marketing, each person has two downlines. These two downlines have two persons under them and so on. However in the case of affiliate marketing, the maximum number of layers it can go to is 5.
Final thoughts
Both affiliate marketing and network marketing have their own benefits and drawbacks. No matter which marketing method you opt for, be sure to assess all compensation plans and choose the marketing tool wisely. At the end of the day, you want to maximize your profit potential and it is solely up to you to decide which model suits you best.
First Year Network Marketing
Married women with little time are particularly good at Network Marketing. They are able to build a business with a very low start up costs and do it in their spare time. Endless opportunities exist for women with flair and talent in business and it still allows them to raise their children by staying at home. Network Marketing is a totally legal and an honest business. It provides real products at very low prices. Simply finding others who share the same passion as you is all you need to do to build a real business.
By simply telling other people about your products and giving the information they want, it allows you to build a business and earn commissions. All you do is share your products with people you know or meet and that creates sales and money for you. Most people have a great deal of fun in Network Marketing and when you think how little it costs to get started, it is no wonder it is a very popular way for people to build a real business. With no middleman to pay, more money is made available to associates.
Network marketing is not by any means a get rich quick scheme. If you're looking for a way to make vast amounts of money in a very short time then you should probably consider crime or gambling, but I wouldn't advise either!
Network marketing is free enterprise at its best. Develop a passion and love for it, and it can be the vehicle to realizing all your dreams. Network marketing is a business that combines direct selling of products and/or services with recruiting of sales representatives. Network marketing businesses function by recruiting salespeople to sell a product or service and then offer additional commissions based on the sales of people recruited into a downline (a team of people that includes direct recruits as well as the recruits of those recruits, etc.). Network marketing is not about numbers. It's about real people with real hopes and dreams.
Network Marketing has been around for over 50 years. It is a proven and successful business method. Not only do you earn money from personal sales of products, but you also earn money by being paid commissions on sales made by others you referred to your company. You need to know how to build your business to be successful and make money so make sure you purchase educational material to help you understand exactly what you need to do.
Network Marketing is a tremendous opportunity to create all kinds of things that you want in your life. You can create fun and creativity. Network marketing is all about selling things to the right people, and getting commissions not only from them, but from the people down the line from them. Your commissions, and your earnings, depend entirely upon the reliability of people down the line from you. Network marketing is one of the ways you can get there.
Network marketing is a dream come true for some entrepreneurs. It offers one of the lowest business start-up costs available and is an amazing industry that has changed so many lives.
You do not need any qualifications to get started and no business experience whatsoever. maybe that is the reason Network Marketing is attractive to so many people.
Both Khusi & Gary J Kidd are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Khusi has sinced written about articles on various topics from Network Marketing, Writing and SEO Articles. For more free resources visit here:- Khusi's top article generates over 27100 views. Bookmark Khusi to your Favourites.
Gary J Kidd has sinced written about articles on various topics from Network Marketing, Health. About The Author: Gary J Kidd has been successful in Network Marketing for over 6 years. He has hugely successful in building large organizations and now helps people ge. Gary J Kidd's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Gary J Kidd to your Favourites.
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