The corporate collar has strapped most of us to their work desks at which we toil day in and day out so much so that we neglect the rights that out body has upon us. Sooner or later the negative effects of not taking proper care of your body start to take their toll on your health and as a result hamper your performance at work.
There is no debate over the fact that keeping yourself healthy for the corporate world is imperative. The problem is finding the time to undergo physical training along with the job requirements. Most of us are tied up at work for the major part of the day whereas a couple of more hours are wasted in getting ready and travelling for work.
Changing times and lifestyles
A plethora of opportunities to take part in physical training programs supervised by personal trainers has sprung up in recent years for those of us who have been tied down by the corporate shackles. If you find yourself to be stuck in your office here in San Diego then you have health and fitness centers like Carlsbad personal trainers that have specially contrived corporate fitness training programs to help you meet your body's needs.
One can easily take part in these fitness training programs due to the easy accessibility and the comprehensiveness of their approach. The benefits to be reaped from such programs are immense. Not only will you feel better because you are taking care of your health, your company will always value a healthy employee more than an employee that keeps reporting sick.
The benefits of these specially tailored corporate programs are being realized by individuals working in the corporate sector as well as entire organizations have even considered of running a company wide fitness training program to make sure that the entire workforce stays healthy.
As it is companies spend a large amount of money on the medical claims that are made ever so frequently by sick employees. Many companies have realized that it is better to invest in fitness training programs and keep the workforce healthy in the first place. This has its financial as well as practical benefits.
On the financial side the company benefits from a reduction in the amount of medical claims that are made against it. Furthermore a healthy workforce is far more productive and positive about tackling their jobs than an ailing one.
So how it works is that the fitness centre develops an in-office gym with all the equipment that is going to be required by the employees. At the specified time when the work out session is to begin the personal trainers will arrive and conduct the whole procedure with the employees.
Such programs have contributed to promoting goodwill between employees and companies who have now begun to feel that they are actually being taken care of. Many individuals who would have otherwise skipped the idea of physical training have benefited as a result of these corporate fitness training programs.
Fitness First Personal Trainers
So it is not unusual for me to think of this term of insanity when I look at the most Personal Training Businesses in the fitness industry.
In the infancy of this personal trainer profession, body builders or "gym rats" would double as fitness center trainers and teach others what has worked for them. Obviously the training was geared towards building muscle and getting as big as one could. Over the years, as the personal trainer began to evolve into a more skilled and educated fitness professional, many of the old ways remained in their practice.
One of the most obvious observations of this is the idea of training individual clients one on one. As a business model, this form of training is absurd. It is impossible to build a business, and your business income, if you are simply trading time for money. Once you run out of time in a day, you also run out of money.
Not only is this a poor business model, but there also is no other form of training that is conducted one on one. Karate instructors give the best example of this. Walk into any Karate studio and you will see clients at different skill levels training together rather than individually. One instructor is able to lead and teach the entire group and still provide as much individual attention that is needed by his students.
So, why is it that personal trainers continue to train their clients individually rather than in small groups? That answer may lie in the second observation of most personal training businesses.
Most individuals who decide to take the career path as a personal trainer in the fitness industry, they do so because of their passion for fitness, health and teaching others. Their "inspiration" is most likely not the love of running a business. When they go through their certification program they are taught about mainly about exercise physiology, exercise program development, cardiorespiratory conditioning, resistance training etc. They are taught very little, if any, about "the business of fitness". If anything they are taught the difference between a corporation and a limited liability company and what forms they may need o start a personal training fitness business.
Personal trainers never receive the proper training on how to successfully run and build their fitness business. They do not learn what it takes to dramatically increase their personal training fitness business and their income.
So what do they do? They enter the cycle of insanity. They look around at what all of the other personal trainers are doing and they do the same. And when they compare their skills to that of the trainers around them and realize that they are more educated, more talented and have more drive than most of the others they can't understand why they are not more successful. This becomes especially true when the see a personal trainer who they believe has less skill who is always seems to have more clients and is making a better income.
And what do they do then? They put out more of the same advertising, offer more of the same "specials" in an attempt to attract more clients, and they continue to get more of the same results.
Well, luckily, there is a better way. There is business training designed specifically for personal trainers and the fitness industry that has been proven successful by some of the best in the business. There are training programs available to teach personal trainers how to dramatically increase their fitness business and their income. There is a company that specializes in teaching the "business of fitness".
The company is The Next Level Fitness Solutions and their business of fitness training programs are GUARANTEED to teach you to how to run and build an incredibly successful and profitable personal training fitness business.
To stop the insanity you've been a part of and start learning the right way to dramatically increase your fitness business and your income, visit The Next Level Fitness Solutions today. The guarantee that comes with all of their programs insures that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Darrin Nicoli, founder and director of The Next Level Fitness Solutions and Fit Body Boot Camps, has 13 years of real world experience as a sought after business consultant and is certified as a personal trainer and nutrition specialist. Darrin combined all of his skill and knowledge of business building and the fitness industry to create cutting edge, comprehensive training programs on the business of fitness. These programs are unlike the cookie-cutter fitness training programs you see available on the market today. This is immediately evident when you visit The Next Level Fitness Solutions web site and you are not bombarded with all of the look-alike sales pitches you get on other sites. Everything is straight forward and informative.
If you want real training instead of another fluff program. If you want useful information instead of a lot of filler. If you want to legitimately and dramatically increase your personal training fitness business AND your income, you owe it to yourself to at least see what The Next Level Fitness Solutions can do for you. Then the choice is yours; continue with the insanity of doing things the same way and continuously getting the same results, or take your fitness business to The Next Level.
Both Robert D. Thomson & Darrin Nicoli are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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