Have you ever wondered what is software and why are we in such a great need of it?
Computer software constitutes a procedural program used to schedule instruction streams onto a computer running process. It provides the capacity to run certain tasks, tasks that can only be undertaken with software programs. Software programs are specially designed to perform certain tasks and, through its usage, a PC is enabled to perform applications.
A computer`s software consists in applications of the software, such as words processed to perform productive chores for its users. A system software engages an operating system together with the hardware, for the latter to run the necessary services for users-interfaces and apps. Additionally, as mentioned previously, we can observe that for a computer operating system to be able to run its tasks and application, interoperability between software and hardware is required.
These being outlined, we shall distinguish between three types of computer systems: system software, programming software and application software.
The system software incorporates features that have the task of enabling the user's computer to run both the computer hardware and the computer system. It also runs a multiple task performing, regarding the operating systems, the device drivers, diagnostic tools, windowing systems, utilities, and so on. Its major priority and goal is to protect the applications programmer, particular the computer complex, memory and other hardware accessory devices that are attached to a computer (printers, readers, display, keyboard, scanner, communications etc.).
The second important part of the computer system, the programming software, provides tools and assistance for the user to write through computer programs and software with different programming languages, that best suits the operator of the PC. The featured tools are linkers, debuggers, tracing, a text editor, compiling and much more.
The last computer system is represented by the application software which enables the user in achieving one or more tasks of its interests.
We have already defined and understood what a computer system is and what features it incorporates. It is important to determine which software must be assessed because not all software combine and work at their maximum parameters. We also have to consider antivirus protection or any other task / application of the PC.
Let`s take for example an operating system such as Windows 95 or Windows 98. It is endowed with the latest software, no matter what application the latter is installed for, since the risk of it to not work properly at its maximum functional parameters becomes a real fact.
Microsoft Office is the software developed by Microsoft. This version is available for the operating systems such as Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. The Microsoft Office 2003 versions have all the common office programs, except for those of Microsoft Office Basic Edition 2003. Microsoft Office Basic Edition consists in Word, Excel and Outlook. The other programs included are Microsoft Access, Microsoft InfoPath, Microsoft Vision, Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Microsoft Publisher and many other programs.
The Microsoft Office 2007 system is the latest version that works with Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Microsoft Office OneNote and many other Microsoft Components.
Windows Vista is the latest version of an operating system developed by Microsoft.
Through this operating system, Microsoft ensures its potential users that by using Windows Vista, they will experience a faster boot and also faster resumes from standby.
Windows Vista Security's download offers its users instructions and assistance in what concerns possible way in which desktop's security can be reinforced while running this operating system.
This version is also endowed with an installation kit, which is designed to help deploying Windows onto hardware.
By using Windows Vista, users are provided with a multi-featured operating system, having a high-tech running performance.
Norton Antivirus is a product developed by Symantec Corporation and is one of the most common and most used antivirus programs. Symantec's Live Update offers virus updates, which allows Norton Antivirus to detect potential viruses known by Symantec virus database. Free Downloads Center is an unique software archive that provides "Link to email" for free. It is enough for a user to enter his email address and he will instantly receive a link to Norton Antivirus.
Free Ares Software Download
Computer attacks are very common nowadays. From home computers to corporate, secure computer systems, there are always attempts to attack and infect computers with the objective of destroying computer applications, steal information without the knowledge of the user, and track the user's Internet browsing activities. There are available adaware software downloads online that are for free. This is most helpful for home users and for trial purposes. Businesses and corporate offices may opt to avail of the paid adaware software versions which have more security features.
Free adaware software downloads should be run manually for security threats to be detected. Updates which are also freely available online should be downloaded and manually installed. It is advisable to check for updates regularly as security threats like adwares and spywares are continuously evolving.
Some of the kinds of security threats that an adaware software can detect and protect your computer from are adwares, data miners, dialers, hijackers, key loggers, malware, monitoring tools, spywares, trackwares, viruses and worms.
Adwares are not harmful to the computer, but are merely advertisements that pop - up on the screen. These are usually downloaded unknowingly by users who download files and freewares off the Internet. These adwares are usually bundled with freewares. While these are not harmful, it can be very annoying as it disrupts the user every time a pop - up window appears. It also tends to slow down the computer applications. An adaware software scan can detect this kind of threat, and can be deleted easily.
Data miners, trackwares and monitoring tools are softwares that collect information about the computer user, usually records usernames, passwords, account numbers and credit card information. It also tracks which sites you have visited, and logs this information. It is advisable for users to be wary of pop - ups that suddenly ask for log in name and passwords, or those that pretend to be a credit card affiliate company that asks users to "update" their credit card information. Running anti-spyware helps detect these threats before it collects all these sensitive information.
Dialers are softwares designed to virtually tap into your phone line illegally, and the "illegal connection" will be used by a third party to dial numbers, mostly expensive connections, without the owner's knowledge. The owner will just be shocked when the monthly bills come. Dialers can be detected by adaware software early on.
Hijackers take control of a web user's home page, changes the settings of one's browser, and can remotely manipulate a user's computer. Big companies are usually targeted by hijackers to control their systems to the hijacker's advantage. Other harmful softwares are malwares and spywares that have the potential to destroy files and hardware.
The use of free adware software downloads is very useful, but should not be used as stand alone. It is still advisable to have a full anti - virus package to scan the computer of security threats. Along with having the "cure", prevention will save the user a big deal of time and money. Visit only websites that are safe, download only files from trusted sources, and never click on pop - up windows and links from spam emails.
Both Ingrid Sure & Kelly Purden are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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