One of the easiest free baby shower game ideas is to write up a list of celebrities and then have guests try to match them with names of their babies. For example, Gwyneth Paltrow could be matched with either Moses or Apple, or both. These lists can be easily created on a computer with paper that you already have at home.
Or you could also try out "I Want to Be a Star" from the baby shower game book "Baby Shower Games". This is a game that's sure to stump the younger women, while giving points for a good memory for celebrity children.
Another fun game for your baby shower is to have your guests name as many body parts as they can when they are given a certain number of letters. For example, tell the guests that they need to list as many body parts that have four letters as they can. This can be a timed contest as well.
While this isn't a totally free shower game, it's pretty close. Have each of the guests chew a piece of gum for a minute or so. When they are finished chewing, they then have to form a baby from the gum that was in their mouth. Whoever does the best job wins a little prize.
A simple baby shower game can help to get everyone participating. Try giving each of the guests a stick or some sort of pin to put onto their shirt. The object of this game is to keep all of the pins on your shirt until the end of the party - whoever has the most will win. You lose pins when someone notices that you have crossed your legs and they point this out.
You can also take a deck of cards and use that for a sort of drawing. Give everyone a certain number of cards (this depends on the number of people that are at the shower). During the course of the shower, someone will pick a card from another deck. Whoever 'loses' all of their cards is the winner by the end of the shower.
A free baby shower game is a great way to liven up any shower guest list. And while you might not have spent a lot, you will certainly get a lot of memories in return.
Jonathan Sapling has sinced written about articles on various topics from Cure Anxiety, Mortgage and Baby Shower. Jonathan Sapling writes extensively on Baby Shower Parties and related subjects. To read more about Baby Shower Parties go to: Best. Jonathan Sapling's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Jonathan Sapling to your Favourites.
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