How do you build an excellent credit score? There are three important factors that build you score.
1.History - your payment history is an important part of building your credit score. The credit bureaus monitor the amount of delinquencies (past due accounts) you have. It is very important to make your payments even if it is the minimum on time. Judgments and collection accounts will have a larger impact on your score; the drop in points will be substantial. Medical collections are seen on credit reports all the time usually for small dollar amounts. FYI: If the collection agency is not updating the file it is recommended to leave it alone. From what I have learned if it hasn't updated in six months it is no longer impacting your score. If you now pay that debt it will re-active the history and effect you score. I'm not saying don't pay the debt because it looks better in the long run that it is paid when applying for a mortgage it will need to be paid. I'm saying if it is small amount to pay it in full because if you are making payments the negative history will start reporting again.
2.Length of Credit - this makes up a good portion of your credit score. If you have no credit score and are just starting out it takes at least six months of good payment history to establish a credit score. When starting out do not go out applying everywhere in town since the inquiries also affect your score and you do not want to have excessive inquires on your report. Try not to take out a lot of new credit all at one time since this will affect the history and make it look like you have all new credit.
3.Capacity - this is about 35% of your credit score and often the most misunderstood. Capacity is were they look at your revolving credit limits (credit cards, overdraft, HELOC etc) and compare the balances that are carried. For example if you have 10 credit cards with $10,000 line each and you carry a balance of about $500 a month you will have about 90% capacity available giving you a higher score. If you have one card with a $1000 limit and you carry a balance of $900 every month you will have about 10% capacity giving you a lower score. This is very important: DO NOT CLOSE CREDIT LINES! If you are disciplined and do not use the credit limits given to you do not close them. Closing them can decrease your capacity therefore decreasing your score.
This is a simple explanation on how a credit score is built. Please pay close attention so you too can have an excellent score and get the low interest rates you deserve.
Free Credit Score And Report
1. Payment History. Do you pay your bills on time? Are there recent late payments? How many times were you late?
2. Amounts owed. Are your cards maxed out? Do you have a ton of debt?
3. Length of credit history. How long have you been using credit? Have you established good credit history?
4. New Credit. Are you opening new accounts and borrowing more? How many recent inquiries do you have?
5. Types of credit in use. Do you a good mix of various accounts?
Things like age, race, color, national origin, sex, and marital status do not have any bearing on your credit score. Only positive and negative information from the five categories mentioned above make up your credit score.
Follow these tips for reaching your maximum credit score:
1. Pay your bills on time. Accounts paid more than 30 days late have an adverse affect on your credit score. If you have missed payments, get current and stay current. The sooner you can begin to manage your credit and pay on time, the sooner you will see your credit score improve.
2. Keep credit card balances low. If you cannot pay the balance at the end of the month, don't keep charging it up. High outstanding debt will lower your scores.
3. Re-establish credit especially if you've had problems in the past. Getting back on track and showing the world that you are worthy of credit will raise your score in the long run.
4. Check and monitor your credit regularly.
1. Open a bunch of credit cards or accounts that you don't need.
2. Transfer credit card balances from one card to another. It's best to simply pay them down and gradually pay them off.
3. Open a lot of new credit all at once especially if you are a new credit user. Rapid account build up looks risky if you are a new credit user.
Credit scores make a difference. Anything below 500 is a credit night mare. Hit the 620 mark and you are considered Fair, 680 is good and anything above a 700 is great. At 700 or above you will be considered a prime borrower and should have no problem getting credit and the very best interest rates. Your credits your life so take it seriously.
Both Lisa Burkhardt & John Rasor are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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