First up, a brief introduction. Your credit score is decided on the basis of data about you from lenders that have financed you so far. They account of your loan repayment to the three major credit reporting bureaus. These organizations then make a numerical score, also referred to as a FICO score (named after the Fair Isaac Corporation).
You can equate your credit score to grades for a test in school. Credit score and credit rating move in tandem. FICO scores cover a range from 300 to a perfect 850. Anything below 700 needs to be improved. Then how come should you worry?
*higher loan at lower costs
A better credit score will enable you to get a cheaper rate on your home equity credit. These days credit situation is very tight, banks give a very high weightage to your FICO score when you request a home equity loan. Merely 2% decrease in the rate of interest!
* Less insurance premiums
A lot of vehicle insurance and health insurance companies verify your credit score before they determine the insurance premium for you. It is observed that people with a better FICO score are less likely to lodge a claim against their insurance policy. So, they reward customers with better credit by providing them a cheaper premium on life, health, and auto insurance.
*A better job
Increasingly employers are obtaining your credit reports of prospective employees. Although they may be acquiring the report to check the information you provided in your job application, credit report will speak out your financial history also.
It only goes to show that credit score affects our life in many ways. One thing for sure is that better score will help you raise your living standard with cheaper interest rates, a better job, and a more affordable lifestyle. Back to the original question: What is your credit score?
It is not really difficult to get your credit report. As a matter of fact, you are due a complimentary copy every year from the three major credit reporting bureaus. Just log on to This is a web site supported by the credit bureaus. It is completely your option whether you order all three credit reports simultaneously or order one now and others later. One distinct advantage of obtaining the report simultaneously is a better comparison. All the same, you will not be eligible for another free credit report for 12 months. You can keep track of changes in a better way if you opt to receive them over the year. It is crucial to track your credit report, because lenders keep supplying modified information.
One major point to note is that your free credit report will not disclose your FICO score. The three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) would rather charge you for that bit of data, like many other web sites. Browse about for the most beneficial offer, and do not get attracted to subscribing up for a monthly service.
Free Credit Score And Reports
Your credit score is based on multiple variables that are dependent on your credit and amount of money loaned out to you. Your credit, or more appropriately addressed as the ability for you to pay back the money that has been loaned to you, whether it be through a credit card, mortgage, home equity loan, car, RV, boat, motorcycle, rental apartment or town home, or just about anything that involves you paying back money trustingly for the items you have purchased or pay for on a monthly basis.
When your credit score is accumulated, each item is passed through a system where points are either awarded or deducted based on the status of the terms. For example, if you have a specific amount in a loan, and you are paying consistently and on time, then you will be awarded points. However, if you are late on payments, and have many credit cards close to maximum, perhaps have not made every house, car, or RV payment, on time, then you will be deducted points.
The computer program evaluates the awarded points and deducted points to come to a total. This total can range from around 330 to the lower 800's. This score is used to evaluate if you can make your payments and on time.
There is usually a clear relationship between those with a higher score and those with a lower score. Those people with a higher score, above about 680 are capable of paying back the loans that they take out. However, those who have a score below 680 are less capable of paying back their debts on time.
Lenders use this information to determine the terms of your mortgage when buying a home. I f your credit score is up to par, you can expect a lower interest rate, shorter terms, and less fees. However, if your credit score is below the average, then you can expect to have a higher interest rate, more fees, and possibly more expenses that are associated with the lender taking a greater risk with a person that may not be capable to pay back the mortgage in a timely basis.
So as a result, your credit score is a huge influence in the mortgage terms that you can qualify for. Because of this, you should try to clean up your credit score to the best of your ability. This means paying back loans, paying on time, and closing out any credit cards that are not necessary in your financial situation.
There are many things that actually affect your credit score. Keep in mind that if you pay on time and are on top of the debt that you have, having some debt and credit is a beneficial thing. If you can prove that you can handle debt, and pay on time and towards the principal amount, then you will not have as many problems.
If you have too many delinquencies, a short credit history, too many revolving accounts, too few revolving accounts, balances that are close to maximum, too many accounts, and of course major problems such as tax liens, judgments and bankruptcies, then you can expect your credit score to be lower than average.
In order to repair these credit issue to get the mortgage rate that you deserve, be sure to handle any debts or payments that might deduct points from your score. Pay above the minimum, on time, and you will quickly see your credit score increase as the problems are depleted.
The basics for having a decent credit score is to not have too much debt, pay your debt on time, and not have too high of interest rates! If you feel you need to correct some issues on your credit score, then do it! You can end up saving thousands of dollars! Do not buy a home until you are financially stable and capable of maintaining a house. You do not want to take on something that you can not handle financially.
Both L Keshav & John R. Blakefield are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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